<p>How often do you do laundry? When is the least busy time? Do you ever worry about your stuff being stolen?</p>
<p>Usually once every week or two, most times are 2 loads. My laundry schedule is almost entirely dependent on my underwear supply. Depending on how many times I workout and shower, my underwear supply can last a week if I'm working out everyday and showering 2-3 times a day, or it can last over 3 weeks.</p>
<p>Busy times vary. Sometimes I do laundry at noon and it's packed, sometimes it's empty. Sometimes I do laundry at 2 in the morning when I can't sleep and it's packed, sometimes it's empty. </p>
<p>I never worry about my stuff being stolen because I throw stuff in the wash, the cycle is 28 minutes (at my school), I come back 25 minutes later to get it out. I throw it in the dryer, the cycle is 60 minutes, I come back about an hour later to pull it out. I don't get how people can put their stuff in and leave it for hours without thinking stuff will get removed and left in a heap on the table or floor, if the next person leaves it at all. My roommate freshman year would frequently do laundry and then go out to dinner or to a campus event and be shocked when her stuff was taken out of the washer and left in a wet heap on the floor. Gosh, I wonder why.</p>
I don't get how people can put their stuff in and leave it for hours without thinking stuff will get removed and left in a heap on the table or floor, if the next person leaves it at all. My roommate freshman year would frequently do laundry and then go out to dinner or to a campus event and be shocked when her stuff was taken out of the washer and left in a wet heap on the floor. Gosh, I wonder why.
<p>There was one guy on my floor this past spring who got ****ed off when somebody moved his stuff out of the dryer. He made the RA go knock on doors to try finding out who did it! Then the next week he was moving people's stuff out of the dryer so he could do his! His typical load consisted of ONE SHIRT!!!! And he'd move other people's stuff, put his shirt in, come back and grab it ten minutes later and leave. Well, the dryer cycle has to run down the entire 45 minutes.</p>
<p>I found normally the best time to do laundry was on Saturday evening/night when people were gone. Sure, that's "party time" but I didn't party so I was in my room then if I wasn't at home. </p>
<p>My roommate found his laundry sitting ontop of the dryer folded one time. He had forgotten about it and when he finally went and got it (hour or two later) it was all folded ;) Must have been a girl on the floor who wanted to use the dryer ;)</p>
<p>Once a week. I tried once every two weeks, but then there was too much stuff piling up, and I had to do too many loads so it took forever. Like hops_scout said, Saturdays aren't busy. Also, any weekend morning before about 10 is probably a good time. </p>
<p>I didn't worry about stuff getting stolen, but I also don't own any clothes more expensive than $28. I'd say if you have anything really nice/expensive you may want to watch it. </p>
<p>And check the lint trap. No one ever cleans it out.</p>
<p>I do laundry about once every 2-3 weeks, occasionally it stretches to four. I've been wearing sandals the past two days because I ran out of clean socks. Pretty much the limit on how long you can go before doing laundry is how many pairs of underwear you own.</p>
<p>I go until the hamper gets full or I run out of a certain type of clothes. Sometimes if I run out of jeans, I'll just start wearing dresses/skirts and other types of pants to try to avoid doing laundry.</p>
<p>As far as when the busy times are, you need to figure that out on your own. Before you ask a question, you need to ask yourself "Is this something that is the same (or pretty close) for most schools/people or does it differ by school/person?". It would be like me asking you if the nachos are good. How would you know since things differ by schools and personal tastes.</p>
<p>2 loads a week. ususally whenver my underwear supply dwindles, like okgirl said. every 2 weeks i do 3 loads a week for towels.<br>
but i find friday nights, wednesday and tuesday around noon, thursday evenings empty. the rest are packed. </p>
<p>oh and girls please dont leave your thongs in the dryer. i always get suprised when im folding my laundry and find a pair of those and i feel embarrassed.</p>
<p>Once a week.</p>
<p>I usually do it early on Saturday or Sunday morning, when most people in my dorm are sleeping off hangovers - the laundry room is empty and I don't have to fight for a dryer.</p>
<p>so you guys throw your underwear in with all the other clothes too? What do you use to store dirty laundry in the room?</p>
<p>^in the washer, No, not unless I'm running super short on time. I still seperate them by underwear/whites, colors, reds, towels. I store dirty laundry in a clothes hamper.</p>
<p>Do most people wash towels every week or is that too often?</p>
<p>no that is not too often. i have 3 towels and i switch them around every 4 days and was all three of them at the same time</p>
<p>I'll probably do laundry once a week, same as I do now. Probably Fridays this year, since I don't have class on Fridays.</p>
<p>Once a week. Anyone for a blind monthly estimated cost for a quarter-operated wash/dry system?</p>
<p>Yes, poor. I may redefine the way bathrooms dry clothes. ; )</p>
Do most people wash towels every week or is that too often?
<p>Once a month if they're lucky. But I use towels that are actually older than myself and ultra-thin, so they tend to dry really quickly and don't smell funky even after prolonged use.</p>
<p>Do most people wash towels every week or is that too often?
I use each towel twice before I wash it. I forgot how many I have....</p>
<p>YUK!! I use it once and wash it twice before I use it.</p>
<p>I never worried about this. I always just would leave my stuff in the washers long enough for someone else to want that washer and then move my clothes to the dryer, and then someone else take them out and fold it. Drop it off in the morning and pick it up at night heh.</p>
<p>^sounds like a great plan! Do they even pay for it to go to the drier?</p>
<p>Oh, our laundry is free, or else that method probably wouldn't work haha.</p>