lavelle's chem 14a midterm

<p>that **** was hard!!!! whos iwth me</p>

<p>yup i failed</p>

<p>Q3 was out of nowhere we never learned that specific type of problem, although we did learn and used all the required equations to solve it. Q1 and Q2 were decent, took a while of work, especially Q2, that thing took forever. Lewisstructures and 3D molecules were just as I had expected. What Lec/Dis are you guys in? TA?</p>

<p>d ferris</p>


<p>what do u think the curve wlll be for that ********</p>

<p>I thought I did pretty well. Forgot some of the shapes, though. What were the questions again?</p>

<p>be warned: Lavelle doesn't like giving A's. He's somewhat generous with the A-'s. You will need a total score greater or equal to 90% to get an "A". I think 83-85 was the bottom cut off for A- when I took him.</p>

<p>thanks for the info. considering how i did on the midterm, i will be perfectly happy with an A-</p>

<p>you think lavelle is hard, wait till biochem...</p>

<p>and Hardinger..... o chem sucks</p>

<p>yes we know</p>