LEAD for non URM...

<p>I'm really interested in LEAD SBI curriculum.
I've read threads of people who've been there and they seem to fit me so well!! Everything I wanted to experience..</p>

<p>so, I got really excited and started looking for more information/pictures.
But in the group pictures I found, it seemed like about 60% of the people were african americans/hispanic, 40% white/hispanic and no asians were represented at all. This kind of excited and made me feel anxious at the same time. I would love to be around different races (we have two african-americans at our school) but I just feel like the program doesn't really welcome non URMS- especially east asians.</p>

<p>I'm a typical east asian. Although we are just average wealth/income-wise, we happen to live in this well-known wealthy town and one of my parents is a local university professor. Both of my parents went to top universities. (apparently the application asks you to list out these stuff)
Will these factors hurt my chances??</p>

<p>I have about A- average with 210 PSAT. you see my stats are not stellar and I'm not even URM, so I'm afraid that I would have extreme low chances of getting in T_T;;;;</p>

<p>and... aren't asians sort of URMs too in a way? sure there are a lot of asians in engineering/medical field but I hardly see any in business.</p>

<p>so my question is,
1) Is LEAD not intended for non URMs?
2) If you've been to LEAD, have you seen any east asians? how many?</p>

<p>What are other good summer economics program? It doesn't necessarily have to be selective, but I would want its curriculum as close as that of LEAD SBI.</p>

<p>I'm no expert on LEAD myself. I'm actually applying this year! But, from what I've read and heard, LEAD is open to all races; however, it does reach out to minorities. Asian-Americans are considered minorities in America today. Plus, the fact that there haven't been many Asians represented in LEAD in the past may actually work to your advantage! So, I say apply! Maybe we'll get to be in the same program! :) Fingers Crossed! </p>

<p>P.S. A 210 on the PSAT is pretty darn good, especially when LEAD only requires a 100 for verbal and math sections!</p>

<p>Anyone know what the true deadline is?</p>

<p>Can someone verify if this program really is open to all races? The application does have a box for Caucasian to check off, but does one a) have a realistic chance of getting in as a non-URM b) would one even be welcome?</p>