<p>If I were to learn a 3rd or fourth language – I’d definitely learn Spanish, Chinese and Arabic. But holding onto 3 or 4 languages is…ummm…interesting…especially for a person who is not interested in International business. However, I do realize that there may come a time where I may want to work overseas, or in a different country – I wont be able to do that unless I know its language, otherwise I’ll be miserable and will fail completely. The two countries with the up and coming economies and possibly more job prospects are China and India. Plus, like jaychang said, over a quarter of the world’s population speaks Chinese, and with a country that is vying to be the top economy in the world – it’s likely going to become the primary language for the globe. Come on, think about it, the country that leads the world, is the richest country. I wouldn’t be surprised if soon people stopped like to look and act like 50 cent and Britney Spears and trying to look and act like some Chinese models or actors. Furthermore, China may soon be top in education and research – all of which will be written in Chinese. To keep up with the world and where it’s headed – I feel like Chinese is the way to go. I’m sorry if this is a very simplistic, elementary way to look at it – and I’m sure some economists can probably argue with me on this, since they’re much more educated and knowledgable in world economics and how it relates to global culture, but this is the best I have to offer
<p>So def, Chinese, and then Hindi – the language spoken in India. In many places in India it’s not the bazaars you see in Aladdin, there are major American corporations in tall, steel buildings in urban areas of India – there are many civilized parts of India, in fact their entertainment industry, Bollywood, is giving Hollywood a run for its money – so, I’d say Chinese and Hindi are the languages to learn. </p>
<p>Buuttt…if you’re not interested in Asian languages, then Spanish, for the reasons jaychang mention. </p>
<p>Ummm, in regards to holding 3/4 languages…I think it’s interesting, because you kind of wonder when or when not to use it. I mean, it seems like the world lives and breathes English for education and business – so I don’t feel the need to learn another language right now. I mean, unless it’s for career purposes, what’s the use in learning another language, except for the joy of learning it. I mean, you’re not really going to be speaking or writing it…so where does it come to any benefit except your 2 week vacation backbacking in Europe? Which, reminds me, my cousin is doing right now. I wonder how he’s dealing with all the different languages…haha last weekend he was watching a bullfight in Spain. Lol. I don’t know, I don’t see the use in learning more than one language right now unless it relates to your career…what do you all think?</p>