<p>Whats the best way to self-teach economics? Would the princeton review book be enough? I'm probably taking the Ap test next year after i take the class but i really enjoy econ and just want to teach myself some stuff. Something thats detailed enough to be read on its own, yet interesting, clear, and to the point, like the AMSCO for USH.</p>
<p>The NCEE has a couple books you can order that are key. </p>
<p>You can find them on [K-12</a> Economics, Personal Finance, and Entrepreneurship Lesson Plans from NCEE](<a href=“http://store.ncee.net%5DK-12”>http://store.ncee.net)</p>
<p>They are usually referred to as the Morton books. But the official title is “Advanced Placement Economics” and they have both micro and macro in case you’re going to self study for both. The activities are perfect practice for the FRQ part of the exam. </p>
<p>I’m sure someone else can chime in with a good review book for the content part so you can ace the MC.</p>
<p>Thanks a lot!</p>
<p>any other suggestions for interesting, comprehensive books to self study a bit of macro/micro econ?</p>
<p>5 easy steps to get a 5 looks like a good book for Econ. Will be ordering it this week.</p>
<p>Copied and pasted this from another thread I commented in:</p>
<p>"The general advice I’ve heard is to use the Dummies’ Guide to Economics because it has thorough review and explains concepts and graphs really well. Not only that, I’ve also heard that it’s worded in the way that AP test graders LOVE, so if you adjust your economic train of thought to the way the author explains it you’ll do well on the exam</p>
<p>Oh and I know it doesn’t have sample MC, but you can just pick up a copy of Barron’s and Princeton Review for their practice tests. But I don’t suggest using them to study the concepts–the reviews are clunky and hard to read compared to the Dummies’ version."</p>
<p>And I found a great set of videos on Youtube that explain graphs and thus key concepts. The woman explains it incredibly well!</p>
<p>[YouTube</a> - AP Macroeconomics Graphing Review - Part 1](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmYNd1a3M-I]YouTube”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmYNd1a3M-I)</p>
<p>The rest of her videos are on the sidebar.</p>