Learning Communities

So I have decided to attend UW Madison this upcoming fall (wooooo!!!) And I was wondering if I should live learning community. I’m in the College of Letters and Sciences for Psychology and in the honors program, with plans to go into medicine. Should I try for the learning community BioHouse or WISE?

Those are for students with an interest in STEM majors, not psychology. Premed is an intention, not a major. Some students will choose one of the learning communities but most will not. Honors students are a diverse lot and no special housing (thank goodness). Aside from a wide variety of majors even those in the honors program sharing a major have different preferences in housing. It is an Honors Program, not a college. Excellent classes for me and for son.

There is no “should” for housing choices based on major. You choose the environment that fits you. My honors chemistry friends and I had very different housing likes despite our common interests.

Learning communities are about choosing to live with students with whom you share interests. If your interest in Psych is more neuroscience-y, then BioHouse might be a good match, and I would think WISE would be as well. You might also take a look at Chadbourne, the learning community takes up much of a centrally located dorm.
