Learning disability & SAT scores

Perhaps I misunderstood the accommodations described – I thought “full use of class notes” meant that she had access to someone else’s class notes because she’s unable to take notes on her own (because of an ADHD-type disorder, and this accommodation would obviously be irrelevant for the SAT). If it means all tests are open-note for her and not for others, then yes, you might be right. That would be iffy, unless there’s some kind of disorder that affects memory. Then again, I know a lot of profs are trending away from open-note exams, so perhaps there’s a way around this, at least in some classes.

Adding that to qualify for the accommodations in college, some colleges will require full evaluations (neuropsych, etc) to be redone/updated senior year or before coming to campus.

Like I said above, OP should reach out to the disability office at all the schools on their list to discuss their situation. OP will quickly see all schools do not have the same capabilities and practices wrt to supporting students with LDs.


@Shelby_Balik if this is your real name, I would strongly suggest you contact the admins and get it changed. That contact is in this post:

The student had access to their class notes during tests. That was their accommodation…it was not assistance in note taking.

This is what the OP wrote…

The accommodations I have weren’t going to be translated to the SAT (It’s full use of class notes).


I would concur - especially since ED doesn’t appear to give any kind of advantage at Georgetown. Admit rates between ED and RD are about the same. Better to use the ED elsewhere or just apply RD everywhere.

An IEP ends at high school graduation. Many colleges do accept them and continue some accommodations but they aren’t required to by any law. There is also no way to update an IEP once out of high school so if the accommodations in the IEP are no longer working, there is no way to insert new ones into the plan. Schools do make many accommodations but usually will not waive a course requirement or a testing requirement like no calculators or open book. Want extra time or to take a test in a quiet room? Maybe, but if they require a certain level of math, you may be in trouble in college.

It would be OP’s job to convince Gtwn to accept him over another applicant with a higher score. Can that be done through a recommendation by a math teacher or GC? We don’t know. Can he write a killer essay about how math can be conquered in many different ways? Maybe.

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I do have a 504! I think it’s for all subjects but I only use it for math now since I finished Chem.

Clearing up some questions:

  • I use my own notes on my own exams. I do not actually know what it is that warrants me having this extreme of an accommodation, but it is ONLY used in math now that I finished Chemistry. I have never used it in any other subjects.
  • This is a 504 accommodation. I really don’t know a whole lot about what the actual casework says, but in the numerous times I have asked my intervention counsellor about it, she says it should transfer.
  • It is definitely a longshot for Georgetown, but it is a school I have a lifelong passion for. I know statistically, I probably won’t get in, but I love this school so much, I have to try (& I know that people will tell me to find another place to fall in love with, and I do have backups that don’t require the SAT.)
  • I have talked to my guidance counsellor about this, and I sent an email to her as well with the same question.

Also, I am not asking about accommodations in college, that’s a whole separate question. I’m curious about the SAT score seriously affecting the possibility of my application even being read.

Great! Glad you have it. Did you try to get accommodations through SAT and were denied or did you not try because you figured the accommodations you have wouldn’t be offered?

Regarding whether your application will be read. It is unlikely that one test score will stop it from being read. The big question is how your application will compare to others who are applying.

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Your first decision for your gtown app is whether or not to disclose your LD/need for accommodation in the application.

What we don’t know is whether divulging the LD will lessen the impact of a very low math SAT score, be neutral, or be a bigger red flag. Pros and cons like anything, and that is for you and your GC to decide.

Posters here don’t know enough about your app to make a recommendation….we don’t know if your grades, rigor, LoRs, activities, essays will be competitive for gtown. We do know gtown values strong test scores.

If you decide to divulge your LD/need for accommodation the next decision is how best to communicate that. I would say your GC should cover that in their rec letter. Then decide whether you want to also cover it separately.

As always, make sure you have a balanced list of schools including at least one affordable safety that you would be happy to attend.

Good luck.

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May as well bring it up-straight A grades but a 490 ( or whatever) SAT section score will raise eyebrows anyway. I guess there is no reason to take the test again if you do not think that score can be improved.

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Agreed. And Gtown still requires applicants submit all ACT/SAT scores


The lower math score will definitely be noticed. Normally I don’t suggest that students with disability try to explain. But in your case I would consider it. Perhaps ask your counselor to mention this in his/her letter. If you have a formal diagnosis (it sounds like dyscalculia) then mention it. This will help the admissions officer evaluate your application. Otherwise they will simply assume you are lazy.

Did you have any formal neuropsych testing done to qualify for your IEP? If so do you have documentation? Most colleges will probably give you accomodations but the neuropsych testing has to be fairly recent (I think within the past 4 years).

Will your school counselor be able to explain your accommodations, the need for them in math only, and perhaps the differential between your grades in math and your SAT math section?

You need to read your 504. Also, I would suggest you talk to your 504 case manager to see what they suggest you need to do for getting accommodations in college. But please understand…the accommodations for college can and are often very different than those offered in high school.

This does relate to your application to colleges.

I will add and then move on…if you don’t need this accommodation in all classes, I’m not sure you will get it moving forward. One of the things considered is whether the accommodation is used and yours wasn’t uniformly used. I’m also curious what class noted would be used during a math exam, because if it involved formulas or something that everyone else needed to remember…I can’t see that being carried over to college. But this could vary depending on the college.

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OP might consider applying to Canadian universities, particularly McGill, which will admit by course of study and are less likely to care about scores not pertinent to that. Realistically, I think an ED application would be better spent on a US college more attainable than Gtown for this student.

This student wants to apply early action to Georgetown. Georgetown doesn’t have early decision.

I would agree with getting this done early action as it will settle the admission decision on this school sooner than later. But at the same time, I would suggest this student get their applications (EA and RD) completed ASAP also. Just get them done.

Thank you for the correction. The student could and probably should use a different application strategy, but assuming there are safeties and targets it will all work out

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Like anyone, you can’t get in if you don’t apply. You could have a 750 math and still not get in. It’s a tough admit.

The good news is, there are lots of great schools that can provide you a fine experience (and better food from what Gtown people write) and you can apply TO.

Like everyone - have those on your lists too.

But you should also check with schools to ensure whatever support you need, they can offer it for you. That may be Gtown. But it may not be.

Good luck.

One more thing…if OP applies to Gtown, divulges their LD, and the GC covers it in their LoR…gtown is the ONLY school that particular LoR would go to as it sounds like OP is applying TO elsewhere and/or only sending scores if they are in range.

At those schools I would counsel OP to NOT divulge their LD in the admissions process. Obviously the GC will need to agree to this plan, and write two LoRs. (OP can still call disability offices to talk about their LD, what documentation is required for the accommodation, and overall how things work at each school.)

ETA: gtown only accepts or defers out of EA, so it’s quite possible OP won’t get an early answer. Gtown EA does not allow one to ED anywhere so that is one important cost to deciding to apply to Gtown EA…where there is no advantage to applying early per the school, which is supported by EA and RD historical acceptance rates.