Hi, I’m a student applying from the UK so I am not familiar with the units of measurements used in the US.
I was going through a couple of maths questions earlier today and saw that in order to solve the questions, I would have to know what gallons, pints and quarts are and how they can be converted to other units.
What are the main units of measurements that you (american students!!) used in your studies during high school? I’d really appreciate it if you could all let me know
thank you so much!
Well, here are all the ones I can think of:
1 inch (in) ~ 2.54 cm
12 in= 1 foot (ft)
3 ft = 1 yard
5280 ft = 1760 yards = 1 (statute) mile
1 acre = 43560 ft^2
1 ounce (oz) ~ 28 g
16 oz = 1 pound (lb) (also occasionally used as a unit of force, i.e. force exerted by a 1 lb mass on Earth)
2000 lb = 1 ton
1 teaspoon (tsp) ~ 5 mL
3 tsp = 1 tablespoon (tbp)
16 tbp = 1 cup
2 cups = 1 pint
2 pints = 1 quart (just under 1 litre)
4 quarts = 1 gallon
Confusing, right?
I don’t remember the SAT testing anything on the more obscure imperial units, but you should know basic ones, such as 12 inches in a foot, 5280 ft in a mile, etc. While they aren’t tested as much (I think), they are still extremely useful while in the US, for example when driving or baking.
thank you so much! you’re a star 
imperial units do seem a lot more confusing than metric 
As someone who took the SAT five times and ended up with a 750 math score, I can honestly say that I remember two questions asking about conversions. One dealt with miles to feet and another was hours to minutes, so it’s not covered heavily.
thanks! feel a lot better now