Leave UC for CC then go to a better UC

I am currently enrolled at UC Merced in my first semester. My plan was always to go to UC Merced for 2 years then transfer to a better UC but I’ve been doing a lot of research lately and I’ve seen it’s not very likely that I can transfer to a better UC and CC students have a higher priority. Should I leave UC Merced for a CC and then transfer to a better UC (UCR or UCI) since it is more likely that I get accepted transferring from a CC? Also will my one semester credits at UC Merced count? Will I only have to do 1 1/2 years at a CC since I do have a semester completed at UC Merced or will I have to start all over again at a CC? (ps. I’m not doing very well at UC Merced right now as I will most likely finish with a 2.5 gpa).

Why don’t you expect your GPA at a “better” UC to be lower than 2.5? Don’t you expect more competition at a “better” UC?

No i don’t the only reason my gpa is going to end up low is because I messed around the first half of the semester and I have picked it up since then