Leaving IB after Junior Year

So I have been trying to leave IB for so long but our IB coordinator wouldn’t let us leave. She first gave us the impression that leaving would cost upwards to $1000 but then later confirmed by a counselor that it was a lie. She then told us that we signed a contract for the whole 2 years and not able to leave the program, but we never did sign anything. What can I do about this situation?

FWIW, my son was in IB his Jr year and went back to AP Sr year. It was no issue at all. Cost nothing. The only thing was he missed out on taking any AP classes Jr year so only had a few from Sr year, but that created no hardship in claiming the Govt/Economics and English credits. He was going to take the Calculus and physics anyway due to his major.

His transition went without issue. Sorry I don’t know the details, as he handled it through school and was leaving due to a new specialized district program.

I would talk to your Guidance Counselor. Your IB Coordinator probably wants to retain students in the program.

I believe that if you are an IBD candidate, you pay a certain fee (in your junior year) that covers all exams through senior year. That fee does not cover IB exams taken in senior year if you are no longer an IBD candidate but just taking the exams for a certificate – those will be new, additional fees.

At least that’s how it was few years ago. But at our school, we paid the fees, not the school. If your district has paid, it could be different.

I don’t recall there being a fee to leave the IB program. There were quite a few students in my school who left IB between junior year and senior year after meeting with their counselor a few times for some paper work like parent approval and such.
I’d second @bopper 's opinion that the IB coordinator at your school is trying to retain students in DP. If leaving IB is really what you want to do, though, then I agree you should see your guidance counselor. It’s an awful thing to force you to stay in the program if you truly wish to drop.

My DD dropped to IB course her Sr year. No CAS hours, end of year essay or mandatory tests. She took a few exams voluntarily but was not diploma seeking. Best thing we ever did.
We did not pay fees to drop but we paid all exam costs.

Dropping out of the IBD program for senior year is quite common actually. The students get overwhelmed trying to complete CAS hours and fear the looming Extended Essay. Completing the program is quite a feat, more so than most give credit for. I know it is often compared to AP, but AP is just the classes, it isn’t a program with other mandatory components. I don’t necessarily think it is better, but it is more complex. IB is alot of problem solving and time management and the preparation for college is unmatched IMHO.

As far as a fee, I never heard of that. I can’t imagine though that dropping out of an IB program looks great on your transcript. Rigor is an important part of the admissions app. Dropping out shows that you don’t have the tenacity to follow through. So think long and hard before you drop out.

I’d talk to a school official and have them try to fix the problem.

well, if its school policy, u cant escape it… but there should be a rule in the IB against that… even the IBDP allows u to drop after some time…

maybe if ur way too against it… u can contact IB… but that might taint ur future prospects with the school… and maybe if the IB board gives the school IB certification… it might backfire on u…