Lectures at Yale

I heard there was lecture capture at Yale? Do students generally tend to re-watch lectures they’ve already attended or is this inefficient? Sorry if this seems like a dumb question and up to personal preference, just wanted to know what the general population does!

This is a no-brainer: All colleges (Yale and others) video tape lectures for a number of reasons, including:

a) Students who have overslept because they over-indulged the night before!
b) Students who had a hot lunch date and could not take their eyes off of their companion to attend the lecture!
c) Students who were were working on another project and didn’t have time to take the class!
d) Students who are taking two classes at the same time (think Harry Potter and the time-turner)!

My guess is that 99.99% of students who attended the lecture DO NOT re-watch the material.

Thanks @gibby :slight_smile: