One of the things our admissions counselor played up when we visited was the UNL Legacy Scholarship for children/grandchildren of alumni. I am a graduate of UNL and encouraged my daughter to apply. We did note on the application that I was an alum.
We’ve been getting letters from the office of scholarships and financial aid. So far, we’ve gotten a letter advising that she had received a Ruth Leverton scholarship along with a second letter advising she had also earned a Scarlet Scholar scholarship. We’re confused as we haven’t heard anything about Legacy, and it’s my understanding that’s a pretty generous scholarship. But, Leverton and Scarlet Scholar add up to what we were expecting for Legacy.
I think she filled everything out that she needed to be considered, but is there a separate form we should get to verify eligibility? Or should we let it go since she’s gotten a pretty generous package?
I’ve tried calling the scholarship office; they seem very busy - takes forever to get through to someone, and the lady I spoke with a few weeks ago seemed distracted.