Legacy Scholarship vs. Leverton with a Scarlet Scholar?

One of the things our admissions counselor played up when we visited was the UNL Legacy Scholarship for children/grandchildren of alumni. I am a graduate of UNL and encouraged my daughter to apply. We did note on the application that I was an alum.

We’ve been getting letters from the office of scholarships and financial aid. So far, we’ve gotten a letter advising that she had received a Ruth Leverton scholarship along with a second letter advising she had also earned a Scarlet Scholar scholarship. We’re confused as we haven’t heard anything about Legacy, and it’s my understanding that’s a pretty generous scholarship. But, Leverton and Scarlet Scholar add up to what we were expecting for Legacy.

I think she filled everything out that she needed to be considered, but is there a separate form we should get to verify eligibility? Or should we let it go since she’s gotten a pretty generous package?

I’ve tried calling the scholarship office; they seem very busy - takes forever to get through to someone, and the lady I spoke with a few weeks ago seemed distracted.

In my own experiences with UNL, prospective students are awarded the best possible financial aid package to help lower their costs. Although your daughter may have qualified for the Legacy Scholarship, it is likely that the combination of the Leverton and Scarlet Scholarships add up to more financial awards than does the Legacy Scholarship on its own. Hope this helps!

We actually got notification of her Legacy scholarship last week. It makes UNL the most affordable of the options she’s considering at this point. :slight_smile: