Legacy Status?

<p>hey, i'm going to be doing pre-med at wash u st louis and i've heard lots about how hard it is and i wanted to ask something;</p>

<p>i am a delaware resident and we don't have a state med school per se, i think we are loosely affiliated with jefferson college in PA but i'm pretty sure they fill their delaware slots with UD med scholars...anyway, my father went to the University of Maryland Medical School, and my grandfather is and has been the head of a department there for over 10 years. does this go anywhere on the med school app? based on this, can i consider U of M a pretty good shot considering I keep my grades reasonable? i'm not sure if i plan to go there but it would be nice knowing i have a good bet on getting in somewhere</p>

<p>any input would be greatly appreciated (hoping that your answers will be in the affirmative...<em>crosses fingers</em>) :)</p>

<p>It may be on some of the secondary apps for some schools but is not on the preliminary form.</p>

<p>What you have described is the classic old boys network and it is still alive and well. No one is going to accept a note from your dad or grandfather as a letter of reccomendation. However, a well timed phone call to dear old "Scooter", now the Dean of Admissions, from your Grandfather to recall their intern years together is a time honored way to get an inside edge. </p>

<p>Just remember that you don't deserve it and aren't entitled to it.</p>