Legal Challenge to Standardized Testing Requirements at University of California System

Note that the case will advance the perspective that its underpinnings in social science have been firmly established:

A UC faculty task force is widely expected to recommend (late winter/spring 2020) dropping of testing requirements and there seems to be trustee support to do so.

Here is the full text of the lawsuit-coming warning letter sent to UC system leadership last month.

Seems like the lawsuit is pointless if UC is likely to drop the SAT and ACT anyway. Meanwhile, it seems like they are ignoring CSU.

If curious as to which part of the Constitution requires freedom from standardized testing.

It looks like they are trying to claim that the tests are a form of illegal discrimination under the state constitution.

UCs dropping standardized test requirement for Class of 2021

See also

As reported in Inside Higher Ed, UC faculty have formally stated their belief in the predictive value of standardized tests even amid pressure “to hop on the test-optional train”:

This editorial further discusses information relevant to the evaluation of standardized testing requirements: