Legal Studies/Poli Sci Major

<p>Anyone currently a Legal Studies or Political Science major with a concentration in Law major? Thinking law school in the future. Kind of going back in forth in what to major in. For the Legal Studies major, the Statistics and Research Methods requirements just seem like a pain especially for me, someone who HATES math and is pretty awful at it. However, the actual Legal Studies classes seem REALLY interesting to me. Anyone have any advice on classes they enjoyed in Legal Studies or Political Science Law classes they enjoyed (Con Law, Criminal Law, First Amendment). How is the overall workload? </p>

<p>Appreciate it.</p>

<p>If I were you, I’d major in something completely different. Law schools like to see diversity. They get so many political science, philosophy, ect. majors. Try something in music, art, or science. Just make sure you take the appropriate courses they will be looking for to show you have analytical and writing skills.</p>

<p>Agree with the above. Start your college career taking interesting sounding courses that will satisfy various breadth requirements- one of them may lead to your major. Law does not have to be your focus now- that comes later, when you take the LSAT. Look at the subjects you liked in HS and find something in those areas you couldn’t take there. There are so many interesting subjects in the social sciences and humanities, plus more unusual choices for your science electives. Use your undergrad college experience to broaden your mind- include Art History, Symphony, and other courses that will help you enjoy the arts later in life. Plus, consider subjects you won’t have time for later. Consider a foreign language even if you have met that req through HS. There will be plenty of time for legal studies later. You can embark on a major after you have experienced your first semester- law and nonsciences don’t need many courses in sequence.</p>

<p>A good GPA and a good LSAT score are the most important aspects of a law school application, and neither are major dependent. The LSAT doesn’t tell your knowledge of law at all in fact.</p>

<p>Major in what you find most interesting and do well in it if law school is your ultimate goal.</p>