Legal Studies

<p>Just wondering if anyone had any advice or information on the Legal Studies major. I understand it is not Pre-Law but I am thinking law school in the future. Any classes that are great, any that I should avoid? Any classes considered good law school prep (for example use law school case books for text books) Also how is the quantitative reasoning B requirement? Saw Legal Studies majors have to take like a Sociological Statistics class. DEFINITELY not a math or science person. Kind of worried about it. I will be a sophomore transfer student this fall. Taking statistics this summer to get quantitative reasoning A out of the way. If I take Statistics this summer will it get both Quan. Reasoning A as well as B out of the way?</p>

<p>Really Appreciate the Help.</p>

<p>There is nothing in particular that you need to take to enter law school. You can study whatever you want to. I would focus on where your passion lies and follow that. Any class that strengthens your writing skills or analytical skills is a plus. It can be history, poli sci, english, math, engineering, anthropology, psychology, biology or accounting - or anything else. If you are interested in a law class, a business law class would be something you could take as a sampler.</p>

<p>Taken a bunch of Legal Studies classes at Denver. REALLY enjoying them. Passion lies there. Just wondering if anyone who has taken Legal Studies at Wisconsin has taken any classes at Wisconsin that they enjoyed. Any classes that use Law School type case books?</p>


<p>I highly recommend taking History 459: The Rule of Law with Karl Shoemaker. It’s a Legal Studies class crosslisted with History. Shoemaker is a great professor and the topic is something that’s very interesting as well as relevant.</p>

<p>[History</a> - People - Faculty - Karl Shoemaker](<a href=“]History”></p>