Legit Quesh on Essay Char Count

<p>Hi there.
I'm applying regular review ONLY if I don't get accepted into my first choice college early action (I find out tomorrow). So I have been getting my essays and everything ready just in case. I was wondering if someone would be kind enough to tell me the character/word limits of the 4 essays. I am unable to find this from the application because the paper application doesn't tell you, and, in the online application, you must pay and finish form 1 before starting form 2 (which tells you). Since I don't want to pay yet, I hope someone will be kind enough to assist me. Come on...earn some karma points and help a friend out.</p>

<p>Many thanks in advance.</p>

<li>Of the activities, interests and experiences you listed previously, which is the most meaningful to you, and why? (1500-1600 character limit)</li>
<li>Sharing intellectual interests is an important aspect of university life. Describe an idea or experience that you find intellectually exciting, and explain why. (1500-1600 character limit)</li>
<li>Write a note to your future roommate relating a personal experience that reveals something about you. (1400-1500 character limit)</li>
<li> (Long essay). 4800 characters or one page.<br></li>

<p>These character counts include spaces.</p>

<p>Thank you; you are a true chum and will go far in life.</p>

<p>Haha, I'm jealous. Will I go far too, man?</p>