Lehigh Portal "Applicant Checklist"

<p>So, when I sent my application, I got an email giving me a link to Lehigh's web portal. There is a box that says: "You will be receiving an Applicant Checklist channel within 24 hours."
That has been there since Thursday night. Is it just that the weekend interrupted the update?</p>

<p>I never got the email :(</p>

<p>LOL really? Meh, I don’t think it is really important anyway. I think I might email someone about the Checklist though if I don’t get anything on it by tomorrow. Maybe it just isn’t set up yet.</p>

<p>But if you never got an email… that’s weird. Did you get an email from CommonApp confirming your application submission?</p>

<p>Yeah I got the confirmation from Common app but nothing from Lehigh, even though they have downloaded my app. Sigh, …almost a month to go.</p>

<p>Hey, do you happen to know if Lehigh has an online portal like UofR, where they provide you w an username & password once you applied, to check your application status?</p>

<p>Lehigh should have sent you an email containing a link to the portal with a code to set up an account. You are supposed to be able to track your account from there. But, as I said, that doesn’t seem to be working anyway…</p>

<p>If you didn’t receive any confirmation from Lehigh yet, I suggest you just send an email asking to confirm that they received your application.</p>

<p>Thanks…i hope everything goes well :X</p>

<p>Hope to see you there next year!</p>

<p>I got the email n it is working (after24hs). they do update the status there, but it takes a bit of time. So, be patient, but if it’s too long, u can contact them.</p>

<p>Ah, ok. Thanks for confirming that it does work. How long did it take to show up after you submitted your app and logged into the portal? I submitted my app on Thursday… still no checklist.</p>


<p>My checklist is now active. Looks like they received everything!</p>

<p>Did any of you ED1ers hear about the rumored email search that lets you know if you are accepted?</p>

[LDAP</a> Query](<a href=“http://www.lehigh.edu/cgi-bin/ldapsearch.pl]LDAP”>http://www.lehigh.edu/cgi-bin/ldapsearch.pl)</p>

<p>I don’t think they assign them until they are almost ready to send out the letters though.</p>