<p>How is job placement and reputation (specifically for Electrical/Computer engineering) for less-selective ABET-accredited undergraduate schools like Merrimack, Western New England, Suffolk, UMass Lowell/Boston/Dartmouth, Fitchburg, (any others I may have missed), and, again, in terms of job opportunities, how do these hold up in comparison to UMass Amherst, BU, Northeastern, etc.? Of the less-selective schools, which are best recruited from/respected by employers? Sometimes it's tough to just go by US News rankings, so I was hoping somebody might have empirical information about these schools.</p>
<p>Thanks for the help!</p>
<p>You can ask about this in the Grad School Forum [Graduate</a> School - College Confidential](<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/graduate-school/]Graduate”>Graduate School - College Confidential Forums) but the BEST source of information would be the universities themselves. It is perfectly OK to contact the Career Center at each institution and/or email the specific departments and enquire about they types of jobs that their graduates head into after completing a degree.</p>
<p>am I missing something or you think Darthmouth is less selective than Northeastern, Umass, and BU?</p>
<p>He means University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth in Dartmouth, MA.</p>