Lesson learned

<p>S is an average B student and was a pledge -he made a C in SOC b/c he blew the first test-dropped GPA below 3.0 -if he had dropped it would have a 3.2-will it be hard to get the GPA up with one C?? if I had known he would have dropped the class but he didn’t tell me… makes me so mad… is the GPA so important in finding jobs these days ? I know they used to request transcripts…but wasn’t sure nowadays…</p>

<p>One C isn’t going to keep someone from getting a job. After 8 semesters of classes, one C won’t hurt his GPA. </p>

<p>If he typically only gets B’s, then I’d suggest finding an easy class where getting an A can bring that “C” up.</p>

<p>Experiences are way more important than grades.</p>

<p>Thanks so much-he is taking BSC 108- supposedbly easy next semester- I think he was probably exhausted from pledgeship:( should have listened to friends who said to only have 13 hours…I need him to find a good job this summer that’ll look good on resume… any ideas? in Business but not sure which division?</p>


<p>In what city?</p>

<p>Enterprise car rental seems to love hiring new grads…they also like hiring summer interns. some of their larger offices are SUPER busy.</p>