Let me know what you think (aka chance me :)

I resolved to put this whole college thing behind me and just enjoy senior yr but then I got onto CC and........:)
Anyway, here are my stats:
Intended major: Biology (with a neurobiology concentration)
GPA: 4.15
Rank: 1 out of ~450 (though our school doesn't rank so everyone over 4.0 gets a rank of 1)
SAT: 2280 (790-M 770-W 720-V)
SAT 2: Math Level 2- 800 Biology- 760 Literature- 760 Physics- 700
Ethnicity: Asian</p>

<p>Academics: the most challenging in my school
10th grade- AP Calc BC (5), AP US History (5), AP Comp Sci A(4)
11th grade- AP Bio (5), AP US Gov (5), AP Lang(5), AP Physics(3), AP Latin(3), AP Psychology- self-studied (5)
12th grade- AP Chem, AP Lit, AP European Hist</p>

<p>College Courses:
11th grade- Honors Math- Elementary Analysis I (B+), Honors Math- Elementary Analysis II (B-), Honors Math- Accelerated Math and Analysis (C+), Introductory Psychology (A)
12th grade- Honors Math 520 Linear Algebra (C), Honors Math 521 Differential Equations( currently taking), Honors Psychology of Childhood (currently taking)</p>

Bentley Tomorrow25 International Leaders Award
Prudential Spirit of Community Distinguished finalist
Ohio Brain Bee- 1st place
International Brain Bee- 6th place
Presidential Volunteer Service Award
USA-UNA National Essay Contest- 3rd place, 1st in Ohio
National Merit Finalist
AP Scholar w/ Distinction
some other essay and oratorical contests, NHS, etc.</p>

- a community youth group- president and founder- our goal is to help prevent dementia in senior citizens. We mainly hold different activities with residential care facilities to boost mental stimulation and provide the social interaction that many dementia patients lack. Currently creating a central Ohio volunteer system for students at high schools to volunteer in nursing homes
- Research Internship in Department of Neuroscience for last 2 yrs- summer internship in Alzheimer's disease, then on ALS
-Science Olympiad- 4 yrs- cocaptain last 2 years
-UNAUSA Columbus Chapter- elected board member and only student representative
- Children's Hospital Volunteering in Neurology/Rehab Department
- NorthSouth Foundation Brain Bee Committee- organizes the NSF regional Brain Bee
- National Alzheimer's Association- member, will be traveling to the National Public Policy on Alzheimer's Forum this March to lobby Congress members for increased research funding.</p>

Definitely the downward grade slump in the math classes. The math classes at this university are arranged into 2 sequences: the Honors 160 sequence, the basic honors sequence, and the Honors 190 sequence, which is basically like the hardest undergraduate math sequence here. Only those really into math take it and it's not even required for a math degree. The entire sequence is proof-based analysis and requires about 40hrs/wk of work. I know I should have listened to my parents and dropped the class a long time ago but I don't really know why I am not. I just really like the subject even though I have no intention of pursuing math as a career.</p>

<p>I'm mainly looking for any advice on how I stand with regards to Yale, Johns Hopkins, Princeton, Cornell, Stanford, MIT, and Northwestern. Any thoughts will be appreciated!
Thanks so much!!!!</p>

<p>As far as your Community College courses go, I don’t think you should worry too much about the grades because you have great SAT’s and you have your own school coursework to deal with. That said, taking math courses even though you are not interested in pursuing a math degree is pointless because the idea of taking college classes is that you don’t have to take them when you go to college. As far as MIT, Yale and Stanford go, they are very difficult to chance because they are interested into the entire package. However, I have seen students with lower statistics get into both schools. The others are Match’s.</p>

<p>Thanks gabzilla! Anyone else?</p>

<p>bump ^^^^^</p>