<p>Let's all get to know each other. I'm sure this forum will explode in the next couple of weeks as applications get sent in!
The idea of this is shamelessly mooched from the Stanford forum (which in turn was shamelessly taken from the UChicago forum), but anyways, it's kinda neat and'll get our minds off of the next 4 months, I hope.</p>
<p>What is your:
1. Dream career, if money were irrelevant?
2. Intended major/academic interests?
3. Favorite book/author(s)/movies?
4. Nerdiness on a scale of 1-10?
5. Guilty pleasure?
6. Favorite music genre?
7. Greatest accomplishment?
8. Greatest failure?
9. Favorite nonacademic past time?
10. How high is PRINCETON ranked on your list? Be honest.</p>
<p>for me:
1. freelance musician
2. bio, psych
3. harry potter, no doubt. i love virginia woolf, too and of course, fitzgerald.
4. depends on the day. my nerdiness is kind of bipolar.
5. err. college confidential. and grey's anatomy.
6. classical junkie.
7. a few music related things like competitions and seating!
8. not speaking up for myself sometimes.
9. music.
10. uno uno uno.</p>
<li>I’d like to travel around the world and write, as a kind of public intellectual.</li>
<li>Sociology/ creative writing. I’m incredibly interested in culture and society, and writing is a minor passion of mine.</li>
<li>Book= The Little Prince. Author= John Dos Passos. Movie= La Dolce Vita.</li>
<li>About a 6/7. I’m not into complex math formulas, and I can’t figure out a rubiks cube in less than a minute, but I do enjoy philosophy and reading art journals. </li>
<li>Watching Made on MTV. Such a waste of time, but such a good show.</li>
<li>Indie rock.</li>
<li>Ask me again in four years. I’ve had a bunch of accomplishments, but they don’t feel significant in my life. I need to accomplish something more important, and hopefully I’ll do that by the time I’m out of college.</li>
<li>Being too passive has failed me at times. I’m trying to work on that.</li>
<li>trombone soloist</li>
<li>chem, bio – med school later on</li>
<li>return of the king / don’t really have a preference of an author / definitely The Dark Knight</li>
<li>depending on the situation, anywhere from a 5 to a 10 (i can be pretty nerdy sometimes)</li>
<li>college confidential, obviously</li>
<li>classical music and classic rock are tied for me</li>
<li>all-state band; solo competition awards</li>
<li>i let a relationship a couple of years ago completely break apart; i’ve never forgiven myself for that (i’ve gotten over it, but i can’t forgive myself)</li>
<li>tied for first (harvard, princeton, yale, MIT are tied for 1st for me… i’d be happy at any of them)</li>
<li>Either a surgeon or an astronomer, I suppose. I’d love to play baseball too, but even that’s a stretch in Dreamland…</li>
<li>Classics, Pre-Med</li>
<li>Catch-22/I diversify it/Seventh Seal</li>
<li>I’m well-rounded, but hey, I know what I am.</li>
<li>Hard to say, honestly, I like what I like and let it be.</li>
<li>Alternative Rock or certain types of classical music, mainly.
7-8. Greatest accomplishment? Oh, God. Umm… Not sure. I try not to dwell on things and just keep moving, to be honest.</li>
<li>Favorite nonacademic past time? Reading and watching films, when I get the chance. We all love our sports, too…</li>
<li>Another cop-out. Yikes. I’m trying to keep an open-mind about regular decision; I don’t want to really hope for something and not have it work out again. It’s definitely really high on my list, but I refuse to rank before I get letters back.</li>
<li>Public intellectual and political revolutionary</li>
<li>Public policy/IR/with a lot of Math and Philosophy peppered in</li>
<li>Huck Finn/Kurt Vonnegut/Goodwill Hunting</li>
<li>5. To the outside observer, I don’t look at all nerdy. But I am a nerd at heart.</li>
<li>Plead the 5th.</li>
<li>Modern rock</li>
<li>Up there</li>
<li>Investigative Journalist</li>
<li>International Affairs/Journalism/Public Policy</li>
<li>Harry Potter/Rowling, Scott Lynch, Eddings/Moulin Rouge</li>
<li>7 (maybe 8 based on answer 5)</li>
<li>Dance Dance Revolution and Rock Band (I own Rock Band, and although I haven’t lived in a city with an arcade for 5 years, anytime I visit one I make a point to play DDR)</li>
<li>Classical, Alternative</li>
<li>An award from the National Intelligence Officer for Africa and getting into Princeton (I deferred my acceptance from 2 years ago, but I’ll still be starting in 2013)</li>
<li>Not traveling more while I’ve been in Europe and selling myself short in a lot of ways during high school</li>
<li>One (see answer 7)</li>
<p>Oh fun! (if only college apps asked questions like these) :)</p>
<li>Space Explorer a la sci-fi novels? (haha, realistically, Pediatrician)</li>
<li>Molecular Biology, something like that.</li>
<li>Sherlock Holmes Junkie.</li>
<li>OVER 9,000!!! (haha, jk). Really, around 9</li>
<li>Guilty pleasure? - Embarassingly enough, reading gossip blogs. Honestly, I can’t get enough snark in my life. :(</li>
<li>40 man hackysac game, I got the last touch and then got thrown into the air a bazillion times in sheer joy. Not something I’d necessarily write on an application, but it sure felt good. :D</li>
<li>Just got Stanford SCEA rejected. It’s not a big deal, but it’s fresh and stinging.</li>
<li>Crosswords. :)</li>
<li>Out of 10 I’m applying for, it’s 3.</li>
<li>Uhh no idea? President wouldn’t be bad =)</li>
<li>PoliSci, Psych</li>
<li>EB White’s muh fave, old school you know?</li>
<li>Wasting time on facebook, finding ways not to do hw…</li>
<li>Everything… except country =/</li>
<li>Getting a likely letter from Princeton!</li>
<li>Don’t like worrying on past failures, if something goes wrong, fix it and do it better next time.</li>
<li>Gotta be soccer and guitar. Going out, spending time with friends too, the usuallllll.</li>
<li>The ONLY choice, lets pray ‘likely letters’ stay true to their word.</li>
<p>BTW, any other prospective athletes/peepz from FL in here?</p>
Favorite book/author(s)/movies? Jeffrey Eugenides (The Virgin Suicides), William Faulkner (The Sound and the Fury)/ Meet Me in St. Louis and Skins (British tv show)
Nerdiness on a scale of 1-10? 4
Guilty pleasure? Being trashy.
Favorite music genre? Girl Talk
Greatest accomplishment? Passing the drivers test with 100% even though I made three of the automatic fail mistakes.
Greatest failure? My tattoo
Favorite nonacademic past time? Boyzzzz
How high is PRINCETON ranked on your list? Be honest #1. Wouldve applied early (applied early to Yale)</p>
<li>Dream career, if money were irrelevant? doctor, but in the “travel to foreign countries and give medicine in exchange for livestock” sense</li>
<li>Intended major/academic interests? engineering/math</li>
<li>Favorite book/author(s)/movies? John Green or Chuck Palahniuk</li>
<li>Nerdiness on a scale of 1-10? 8. I am a calc nerd.</li>
<li>Guilty pleasure? facebook, for sure.</li>
<li>Favorite music genre? piano rock or latino or neoclassical.</li>
<li>Greatest accomplishment? number one in the class?</li>
<li>Greatest failure? putting off princeton essays until the night before (ie right now)</li>
<li>Favorite nonacademic past time? horseback riding or cycling</li>
<li>How high is PRINCETON ranked on your list? Be honest. uno. its either here or state school.</li>
<li>Dream career, if money were irrelevant? Socrates. Basically I would go around spouting intellectual “isms” until I got accused of being a dissident and poisoned </li>
<li>Intended major/academic interests? English FTW</li>
<li>Favorite book/author(s)/movies? This changes daily, lol. Right now? “The Road” by Cormac McCarthy. Pwnage</li>
<li>Nerdiness on a scale of 1-10? In humanities? 9. In math/sci? 6-7</li>
<li>Guilty pleasure? TV. Monk, Entourage, Boston Legal, House, and Law and Order lolz</li>
<li>Favorite music genre? Blues/Rock: Jimi Hendrix, SRV, Led Zeppelin</li>
<li>Greatest accomplishment? 15th in the nation in Original Oratory </li>
<li>Greatest failure? 78 on a Calc test? Idk lmao</li>
<li>Favorite nonacademic past time? Basketball</li>
<li>How high is PRINCETON ranked on your list? Be honest. Tied for 1st </li>
<p>there was a chick at my school somehow already accepted…shes a party slut…idk how she got in, i guess even princeton need nasty ass, std ridden girls to keep the parties going…</p>
<li>Athletic physicist</li>
<li>Angels and Demons by Dan Brown, Love Actually, and Michael Crichton’s books</li>
<li>7. I still shop at Abercrombie and AE, so that just decreases that nerdiness factor. lol</li>
<li>Facebook and shameless flirting</li>
<li>Alternative rock. I like indie stuff, mainly, but some piano rock is just as good.</li>
<li>Busting out four essays in one night.</li>
<li>Junior year</li>
<li>Numero uno now.</li>
<p>Maybe I’m just being cynical, but isn’t this a prime way for somebody to scan through and grab our “quirky” favorite books, films, etc. and use them in their Princeton supplement?</p>