<p>Ok...Since we're all waiting for our scores, let's guess what time they are gonna come out (guesses in Eastern Standard Time)</p>
<p>I guess...</p>
<p>3 am</p>
<p>Ok...Since we're all waiting for our scores, let's guess what time they are gonna come out (guesses in Eastern Standard Time)</p>
<p>I guess...</p>
<p>3 am</p>
<p>Why, are u going 2 pull an allnighter???</p>
<p>2 finals tomorrow and havent really started studying</p>
<p>some people just have no life... relax buddy its not the end of the world dont stress yourself</p>
<p>i think they'll probably make them available at around 5AM EST</p>
<p>2 finals 2morrow and i can't study!</p>
<p>Midnight EST would be awesome......especially since I'm on PST</p>
<p>Guys, NEWS FLASH, If you stress about it, it's NOT going to CHANGE your score... Plus, if you fail your finals tommarow, you will have bigger problems than your SAT II scores</p>
<p>Your SAT scores will not change. Your final exam grades can't be re-taken, the SAT's, however, can.</p>
<p>Didn't you know that the sooner you check your score, the better you'll do? The first 50 to see their scores get 2400s!!!</p>
<p>I think I'm going to pull an all-nighter!</p>
<p>Why the hell not? My only plans tomorrow are to go tanning and read Their Eyes Were Watching God... hah! Or instead of reading I can just sleep out in the sun. Ahh, blissful. Woohoo -- all nighter! Anyone else planning to camp out at their computer until the scores are up?</p>
<p>ha, if that were only true</p>
<p>man u people are too much into this. Chill, go to sleep and check in the morning.</p>
<p>That's the beauty of summer vacation -- why bother? I sleep until 11am or so anyway. This gives me an excuse to stay up late and watch trashy reality TV shows! Yay!</p>
<p>I heard that if you watch trashy reality TV shows, you can boost your score by up to 100 points!</p>
<p>this is soo stupid. when i took the SAT in 8th grade, i got my scores the night before college board said it would release it. and by night before, i mean 7 PM eastern.</p>
<p>i just want to know because im literally going to have no time tmrw morning to look online because im leaving for the airport soon........... :(</p>
<p>If watching trashy reality TV shows boosted scores... we'd have some definite ... er... characters in our ivy leagues lol</p>
<p>I'm in Asia - I get my scores between 4 PM-8 PM. Lucky me. Lol.</p>