Lets resolve this issue once and for all!

<p>I was able to successfully create one of the few people on CC who did. But as usual there is an arising suspicion regarding the validity of creating an account. I just have a couple of questions that (if resolved unanimously) may put an end to the matter once and for all. </p>

<li><p>If this feature was avaiable for all early apps, why can’t everyone create one?</p></li>
<li><p>What is the error message for those that cannot create an account?</p></li>
<li><p>Does the submit date matter? </p></li>
<li><p>MOST IMPORTANT: What does it mean to create an account? Can only stanford students have the account or is it avaiable to the “special” general public?</p></li>

<p>I don’t get what u said</p>

<p>…i am not even gonna say anything</p>

<p>@sadface which part?
What do you mean MrPrez?</p>

<p>no one in the general public is allowed to get one, you must be a student of stanford, or a worker at stanford in order to obtain an account. No questions to ask, I dont understand half the things you mentioned.
hope that clears</p>

<p>fact: The fact that you can make a SUNET ID means nothing. I couldn’t. Got accepted.</p>

<p>i think mercruz’s statement is the most valid disclaimer for this</p>

<p>but we still need to know why only a select few of us can make the account. there has to be a reason(like THEY GOT IN).</p>

<p>I hate to be so blunt. but supereagle, my dear, go away =)</p>

<p>haha, seriously…</p>

<p>we’re already stressed out as it is, we don’t need your nagging supereagle. The decisions won’t be changed either way, so just stop bothering us</p>

<p>okay, i really will leave. but i dont think im nagging. i just think many of you dont want to accept that you weren’t accepted until you get the email. oh well, good luck! I’ll be back if i got in somehow.</p>

<p>no one takes my advice seriosuly. you cannot make a sunet id, they are distributed …</p>

<p>supereagle is my superhero</p>