Let's study for AP STAT!

<p>uh, when you increase sample size , the probability of Type I error should decrease, as when you increase the the sample size, the mean of the sample becomes closer and closer to the population mean (Central Limit Theorum), thus, tighting the curve of the sample. This will reduce the distance of the tails placed outside of the alpha level from the sample mean.</p>

<p>Quite false, considering the Type I error doesn't concern itself with sample sizes. Kind of hard to reduce the probablity for a Type I error when you reduce your confidence interval along with the standard deviation. The Type I error is a PROBABLITY, it doesn't matter if the sample size is big or small, all that matters if when YOU reject the mean, because that's Type I: rejecting the true mean. You only reject the true mean when you get results outside of the confidence interval, and the probability of that is determined by the alpha level. You reduce Type I error by extending the confidence interval by percentage, not numerically.</p>

<p>Let me quote my Stat book:</p>

<p>The significance level alpha of any fixed level test is the probablity of a Type I error. That is, alpha is the probability that the test will reject the null hypothesis null when null is in fact true.</p>

<p>Hey guys, good luck to evryone. </p>

<p>Is it worth taking a 1 hr plus practice examination right now, and staying up till 1, sleeping in and showing up for exam at 12 noon? I read the barron's book almost entirely, skimmed a few parts, and I did most of the after topic questions . . . </p>

<p>I'm hoping this test will be one of the easier ones because we can use the calculator, and we can perform a lot of the tests on it to confirm results, write what the calculator gives us . . . I have an ap stats calculator question for the TI-89, anyone have that?</p>

<p>About how to find the 1-Prop ZInt Test, since Barrons explains everything ti-83 style</p>

<p>don't take the full thing. do you have a previous test ;-)?</p>

<p>if you have a titanium...
just go to stats then f6 (tests), then 5 (1propztest)</p>

<p>what is a binomial random variable (yellow+dist on the 83; 1-binomdf), examples....?</p>

<p>how do you know when to do 1-zscore=answer they want</p>

<p>also, it seems that in barron's they seem to harp on there really being no time where an SRS is good...so I guess can you describe when SRS is good, examples?</p>

<p>oh, well, my teacher gave us the 1997 & 2002 ap stats m/c questions, but it'd take way too long to scan... if you had asked earlier :(</p>

<p>aren't the barron's tests good enough though?</p>

<p>could anyone distinguish between type 1 and type 2 errors? Type 1 - rejecting Ho when it's true? </p>

<p>type 2 - rejecting Ha when Ha is true?</p>

<p>Good luck sarorah! Hope we both get 5s!</p>

<p>:....lol....I'm worried that it will be hard because all I know are barron's questions.....I looked at the CB online ones and I had moderate trouble.</p>

<p>Type 1: Rejecting true mean.</p>

<p>Type 2: Accepting false mean.</p>

<p>Just thank god you probably wouldn't need to calculate the probability of a type 2 error.</p>

<p>judicial system:</p>

<p>type 1 convict the wrong person
type 2 didn't convict the killer</p>

<p>Good analogy, Glucose...</p>

<p>Anyone: are F-tests required?</p>

<p>F -tests?</p>

<p>I've never heard of "F-tests."</p>

<p>Thanks QQ! I hope we all do well too. Just need to relax :)</p>

<p>Thanks for the clarification guys
There's an option of F-tests on the calculator, I was wondering about that too . . .</p>

<p>sarorah, how much do barrons and the real exams differ?</p>

<p>How much "harder" is barrons (according to some ppl it is "harder")</p>

<p>I still dont' get the P (A) (B) U ^ stuff :-&lt;/p>

<p>P(A) U P(B)?</p>

<p>I hate that stuff.</p>

<p>F tests are a post-AP topic (at least that's what my textbook says)</p>

<p>YES!!!!! It's dumb:)</p>

<p>good luck everyone on AP Stat tommorow......i hope probability wont be everywhere on the test tommorow lol......hope everyone is shooting for a 5 and to keep this **** going: Define a Simple Random Sample and distinguish it from a random sample</p>

<p>(btw barron's is alot harder, but it gets u thinking about stuff in different contexts and ways)</p>


<p>j/k. Good luck.</p>

<p>Haha . . hopefully we'll all do fine, can't wait till it's over. at my school though, you have to stay an hour after just to finish it. I'm getting too sleepy right now though :(</p>

<p>glucose - I completely agree with shiva</p>

<p>I'm doing the 1997 mc now, and it's really not that bad; Barron's questions seem more abstract thinking and specific</p>

<p>For probability, I don't really pay attention to the U or apply the formula directly, usually the question is straight-forward and you can just figure it out....I like it much better than the z and t and bi and normal and all those calculations at least =&lt;/p>

<p>Less than an hour left till the test! :)</p>