<p>I never know what the subject should be, however, so yeah</p>
<p>Here’s a topic, America and it’s obesity rate.</p>
<p>I think I’m fairly unobese, though I did start 19745837465 threads about fast food…</p>
<p>I don’t actually know why Americans are obese I don’t do that much physical activity, and I’ve been fine so far ;)</p>
<p>I think its because of all the ads and fast food places in the US. I noticed that about every 5 or 10 blocks there’s a McDonalds. And, likely because people like cheap things and can’t tell the difference between being hungry and thirsty.</p>
<p>lol that’s so weird to me to think that people can’t tell the difference between the two. That’s why soup is food and milk is a drink. They do different things :b</p>
<p>Laziness. When I’m home alone and I’m hungry and there’s nothing precooked in the refrigerator, I just eat snacks. I’m skinny now but I’ll probably catch up to me when I’m 40. D: (I try to exercise it off though.)</p>
<p>^Same, haha.</p>
<p>Me. I was thirsty the other day and, instead of finding myself a cup of water which would’ve been the smart thing to do, I went and got an ice cream instead. And, of course, was still thirsty afterwards.</p>
<p>BHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA, the story of my life :)</p>
<p>I played an international computer game and it shows up that I’m american and whenever I lost to someone from France I would get called a “Fat American.” So now in America when talking about people I might call someone a fat american if they order a lot of food but only if I know they won’t take it personally. I snack a lot on chips but I’m still average weight…full credit to my metabolism. I am expecting to get fatter later in my life and if I do then I’ll probably just excercise more.</p>
<p>ok, let’s talk about you.</p>
<p>lol I know not whether I ought to be flattered or declare "touch</p>
<p>Well… at least where I live, fast food is cheaper than healthy food… so you have to be at least somewhat not that tight on budget to buy healthy food.</p>
<p>Agreed to the above, which is why health is often pervertedly linked to socioeconomic status in this country. The most obese populations are also the poorest.</p>
<p>I don’t eat that much fast food… but I love snack food :P</p>
<p>If I get bored, I eat.
So that’s why I try to stay busy xD</p>
<p>^^Well, the poorest are usually the most famished (rich pop culture icons aside), it’s the *relatively poor<a href=“who%20can%20at%20least%20afford%20unhealthy%20food%20on%20a%20constant%20basis”>/i</a> who are often (though still not “usually”) obese. But a lot of middle class people are, too. Plus, for the rich, there’s the “fat cat” stereotype. So obesity is pretty widespread.</p>
<p>Intelligence! All hail! =D</p>
<p>Anyway…obesity rate=sitting in front of computers+stress over economy (not that we’ve ever had enough money ;))+prevalence of processed vs. fresh food.</p>
<p>Leafblade, my dear, how pleasant of you to drop by! Don’t be so subtle next time (get the pun? %D )</p>
<p>Er, well, poor people are usually working class and their poverty can be due to a number of reasons that would make fast food a logical choice… </p>
<p>ex. kids
multiple jobs
<p>Hi Face! Been a while, hasn’t it?</p>
<p>I advocate for “healthy” cooking, mechanics, and computer training to be mandatory in all high schools. And then make graduating a requirement for getting a driver’s license.</p>