<p>I thought it was nice. anyone else get them yet?</p>
<p>I got one too!! =]</p>
<p>i really liked how they actually took the time to write a little note in the corner instead of printing a bunch of generic letters.</p>
<p>Yeah me too… Who is ur regional director?</p>
<p>This is completely random, but wouldn’t it be really cool if you got a letter of recommendation from an adcom from a top school? Assuming the adcom knows you personally.</p>
<p>i loved loved loved the little note in the corner :D</p>
<p>The note was definitely nice. Now if only she could offer me about $20000 or so so I could actually attend…</p>
<p>Did you guys get this with your actual acceptance letter or did it come separately? I feel a little left out lol, because I just got the standard typed letter and siggy for my acceptance letter.</p>
<p>It came separately. I loved mine!</p>
<p>d got one with a very warm and personal note-loved it.</p>
<p>Always a nice gesture. However, do be aware that this is Stanford playing the yield game and other elite colleges send similar letters (at least Yale does, which is the only other place I applied and was accepted besides Stanford).</p>
<p>@ booyaksha: What do you mean by “the yield game”? </p>
<p>Also, how did you get into Yale and Stanford (unless you are a freshman this year)? I thought you could only apply to one SCEA?</p>
<p>i got one too. and because my regional director is shawn abbott (also as you know the dean of undergraduate admissions) it felt especially weird/cool/special. anyone care to share what their note said?</p>
<p>mine said “I admire your hard work in the classroom, with your community, and your family. I am confident you will continue to excel in the remainder of your senior year and I look forward to seeing the contributions you will make at Stanford. ¡Nos vemos pronto!”
Does any one else want to share their side note?</p>
<p>^^^^^ shawn abbott. </p>
<p>“you are a brilliant writer. i loved your piece on creationism and evolution. i can tell that you are a deep thinker and stanford will be lucky to have you.”</p>
<p>Does Stanford send the notes to everyone?</p>
<p>^ I think they do. I just got my letter with the handwritten note yesterday.</p>
<p>Mine went like this:</p>
<p>P.S. I really enjoyed reading your answers to the supplement, particularly the one about a “library superhero.” We need more people like you. Good luck!</p>
<p>This was made even more amazing by the fact that I thought my “What did you do this summer?” question was childish and they wouldn’t get it! I described my job as one where I was a superhero fighting against angry librarians and conveyor belts. LOL. They got it!</p>
<p>I got one from Yale just a few days ago. And it essentially said the same things as all of yours</p>
<p>“Come to Yale!! It is the perfect fit for all of your academic and leadership talents…”</p>
<p>Oprah! got one as well. It said something about how they would love his voice at Stanford.</p>
<p>Wait, that makes little sense.
They praise you and say great things about you and they encourage you to attend the University, but in the end reject you anyways?? What’s the point in writing these notes then? It’s feels like it gives a false sense of hope if you know what I mean.</p>