Letter of Recomendations from music teachers

<p>The teacher evaluation form states "give this form to a teacher who has taught you an academic subject (for example, English, foreign language, math,
science, or social studies)". What about classes like Music Theory AP or Music Essentials honors? I'm confused because it says "for example" and therefore doesn't state all the classes which are considered "academic". If anybody knows the right answer for sure I would greatly appreciate it.</p>

<p>This is just a guess / gut feeling - I would not consider music an academic subject in this context.</p>

<p>Yea that’s what I feel like too but I just want to be 100% sure because I have prime relationships with my music theory teachers and not so much the others =/</p>

<p>For reference, music theory is defined as an academic pursuit (along with music history, musicology, ethnomusicology and to some extent composition). Many of the top programs within the country in these disciplines for undergrad and grad and beyond study are within the confines of schools associated with the highest level of academic study and not limited to the typical conservatory level programs.</p>

<p>Not using a recommendation from an instructor from these fields (as an additional or supplementary recommendation) may be cutting off your nose to spite your face if your undergrad path is within the disciplines I mention.</p>

<p>This methodology will not apply to all, but should be considered where warranted. Just food for thought.</p>