Letter of recommendations

How important are them? What happens if I don’t send them with my application? I am unable to get rec letters =( Am I screwed?

It depends on the college. But if they say they are required, then you probably will not be admitted. Why can’t you get them?

Im on a year gap due to difficult reasons, I have contacted few of my teachers about it and they never replied back i even try to remind them. I went to the school and I was told they cant help me. I never thought these rec letters would hold me back, everything is done except that. I dont know what to do.

Is there a guidance counsel at your school? I would contact them and ask if they can help. But I wonder if they feel they can’t make a recommendation in good conscience due to whatever your circumstances were. If that is the case, your options are to find schools that don’t require teacher recommendations or attend community college for a year or two before applying to 4 year colleges.

I did went to the school to talk with my guidance counsil and it was there, I was told, they cant help. And my circumsrances were legal issues, bit everything solved now, right after I graduated

Well, I think then you need to apply to schools that don’t require recommendations or go to CC. I assume they will send transcripts.

But I dont think CC is for me, I was in the top of my classes :confused:

A lot of top students end up at CC for a variety of reasons. I know of people who started at a CC and transferred into Cornell and USC. I would also look at large state schools that may not require letters or you could see if smaller schools would allow for a substitution from someone else you know (supervisor, coach, etc.) to meet their requirements.

What state do you live in? Also, might your legal issues impact your admissions?

I can understand your situation. It can be difficult with legal isses, I knew U of Alabama and U of Pittsburg do not require recommendation letters. If you are top student (high GPA) and with a high test score, you may get aid, if you really want to try a different school, you can transfer.

You may want to call one or two of your top choices to see what they say… Best of luck…