Letters of recommendation??

Hey guys. I was wondering if the University of Miami prefers a letter of rec from a core class or an elective teacher? I’m not super close to any of my core class teachers, however, I feel like my elective class teachers can write me a better letter of rec since I am much closer to them. However, I realize that most colleges prefer letters of recommendation from core teachers. Thank you so much

I would definitely try to get close to a math or science teacher this semester. It doesn’t take much of an effort, sit in the front of the class, go to office hours, even if you have nothing to ask them, just leave a couple homework problems open and work them out in her office with her. It will show her that you care and that you are trying. I had 3 letters of recs. 1. My Econ teacher (I am an econ major). 2. My calculus teacher. and 3. From my work place. (To get a workplace letter of rec sent to them, just send a letter to the office of admissions and right under it RE: Fall 2018 Transfer, and your name under it). Hope this helps and good luck!

That’s fine, and if the elective class relates to your major, even better. My daughter is Graphic Design major (at another college) and she had a stellar letter of rec (we couldn’t have written it better) from her high school Art teacher. He spoke about how the other students respected her, she was a leader, everyone liked her, she chose projects which were challenging, she was always happy, etc. One private school even commented that it helped her admission. I think a stellar letter of rec is much more important than a so-so letter of rec from a core teacher. Private colleges are more concerned with having well-rounded, interesting students rather than GPA machines. Public schools have less time so they look more at data and most don’t even accept letters of rec. Your elective class teachers can write about your personality, work ethic, etc. and it will be more helpful than: “Johnny was in my math class and he was responsible with homework and attendance.” Admissions will already view your grades in the core classes, so a letter of rec stating you are a good student doesn’t help much. A teacher who enjoys you will rave about you and tell more about your personality that isn’t reflected in grades. Even if it’s a teacher in 9th or 10th, if it’s a stellar letter of rec, that’s more important.

Getting a good letter of rec is more important than getting one from a specific teacher. Miami doesn’t note a preference on its site, but its generally good to send a letter from a core teacher. That being said, I sent a letter of rec from my CS teacher (not core at my HS), and got in with a full tuition scholarship, because I knew it would be my best letter of rec, regardless of the fact that he wasn’t a core class teacher.