
<p>haha, well it's sent via ups, so the school should be able to track it if it doesn't get to you soon.</p>

<p>Mine arrived today! This is so exciting. It even contains the roommate survey and housing info.</p>

<p>alright UPS shipped all acceptance letters?</p>

<p>I am going to call Wash U today and get the tracking number of my letter.
UPS doesnt like to come to my house</p>

<p>Chill guys. Wait a few more days before you get worried. I got my package yesterday, the 21st. There's really nothing cool inside, just a letter (the same one as the one online), a finaid book, your deposit form, and a schedule of events in April. There's not even a bumper sticker or something.</p>

<p>sounds cool enough to me =)
i want it before they change their mind =)


<p>I question whether or not you would of picked Wash U over Duke, if accepted at Wash U?</p>

<p>i got mine
i had to track it down all around town but i got it =)</p>