<p>LOL, it’s like the *Saturday Night Live *sketch about the on-line university. They send you a blurry diploma. “Does that say Yale?” “It sure could!”</p>
<p>I think a lot of kids want to go away just for the sake of being away, and honestly, I get that. My D’s explicit criteria is “not in the Chicago area” even though she likes Chicago plenty. My S feels much the same way, except would consider NU because it’s familiar and he’s a legacy. Even so, I think there is a lot of merit in getting away and seeing a new part of the country. Especially in parts of the country that tend to think the world revolves around them – and I kind of tend to think Texas fits that, as well as NYC!</p>
<p>I think it’s good when other people are coming from other areas, too. You won’t get as much of that at DePaul, perhaps. One of the things I minded about IU was that so many people bailed on the weekends. Obviously, most of them were from Indiana.</p>
<p>That’s a fair point. I have always heard USC cited as a school where the locals bail on the weekends, fwiw.</p>
<p>Pizzagirl, I have to ask: Deep dish or thin crust?</p>
<p>LOL, I don’t even like pizza all that much – my screen name has to do with something else entirely related to my professional life! But since you asked – thin crust.</p>
<p>We have to have deep dish whenever we are in Chicago…the pizza around here that calls itself deep dish is just a huge amount of dough that one can hardly swallow. We’ve tried to make deep dish at home - we have a good recipe, but we just can’t get it all to cook evenly.</p>
<p>side note to MOWC re: #103, I don’t think this is the case at IU anymore. DS is a rising senior and his Indiana friends generally don’t leave on the weekends (they’re all havin’ too much fun!)</p>
<p>and OP, DePaul is a fine school. Good luck to your D in making her decision.</p>
<p>After freshman year it wasn’t really an issue at IU. Plus, Indiana now attracts even more students from out of state- including the northeast.</p>
<p>Please. That is totally inappropriate.</p>
<p>What’s inappropriate? </p>
<p>Au contraire! I view pizza as an Essential Chicago Food Group. A young woman considering spending four or more years of her life there should be educated on such things.</p>
<p>Oh, you were talking about actual pizza? Sorry, I though it was some kind of metaphor. Or, no, what’s that other thing? A euphemism. :D</p>
<p>Carry on.</p>
<p>Would DePaul’s financial aid be considered as something that’s wrong with it?</p>
<p>I’m not sure if the OP need FA, but regardless, how is DePaul’s Aid?</p>
<p>We won’t qualify for need based aid. Merit looks average - not the best and not the worst.</p>
<p>This thread turned out to be great P.R. for DePaul I think. Many of us like it. If your D includes Minnesota, Michigan, or Ohio in her initial job search, employers will know of DePaul. Its reputation spreads beyond the limits of the Chicago suburbs. Probably not all the way to Pittsburgh, though. :)</p>