Lewis and Clark, Common Data Set

<p>Any thoughts on why Lewis and Clark hasn't posted 2012-2013 common data set? All other colleges that I have checked have had them available for some time now. I did check with someone in admissions who had a somewhat vague response about trying to get all stats ready before fall semester. This seems to be way behind other schools.</p>

<p>It’s up now :). [Common</a> Data Set (CDS) 2011-12 - Institutional Research - Offices - Lewis & Clark](<a href=“http://www.lclark.edu/offices/institutional_research/demographics_stat_profile/common_data_set/2012-13/]Common”>http://www.lclark.edu/offices/institutional_research/demographics_stat_profile/common_data_set/2012-13/)</p>