Lewis & Clark, Bennington, UC Santa Cruz or Emerson?

<p>D is deciding... Almost full scholarship to Bennington, bad aid package from Emerson, L & C I don't know yet and Santa Cruz is cheap (in-state)</p>


<p>Wait to hear about aid from L&C.</p>

<p>My son just graduated from UCSC, and my daughter is currently deciding between L&C and Willamette. UCSC is a great school, especially if your daughter is interested in Biology and research. However, she will have trouble getting the classes she wants, and she will be in large classes with very little contact with professors. Personally, I’m a fan of the small school, so I agree with Erin’s dad – see what L&C offers. Good luck!

I realize this post is almost nine years old and you probably are not on this site anymore, but in case you do see this, my D is facing a similar choice now. I was wondering how you chose,a dn which school you chose?

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