Lewis & clark rd 2014

<p>I'm Sarah from LA. I want to study psychology and French.</p>

<p>I just thought some action on the LC threads would be nice.</p>

<p>Welcome Sarah. We have a couple of parents who periodically post here. Have you finished your apps?</p>

<p>Yes. I have my interview this weekend! Very excited</p>

<p>My son had his interview today. He thought it went fine. No wacky questions, very straightforward. Mostly talked about his interests and school record.</p>

<p>Sarah and Swi, what other schools are you/your son considering?</p>

<p>I applied to Goucher, LC, Boston University, Northeastern, Tufts, UCSB, UCSD, USSC, UCLA, and UCBerkeley.
I originally applied ED to Vassar, but was (sadly) rejected.</p>

<p>Good schools. Have you visited any of them? Which are you leaning toward if you get in?</p>

<p>Hi guys! I’m looking to go to L&C also.</p>

<p>Hi Sparkles, How does it fall in your school pecking order? It looks like you’ve already been accepted to a couple of schools.</p>

<p>I’ve visited LC and Tufts. I am leaning towards them. I had my interview yesterday with Erica Lynn Quiggins, one of the Associate Deans of Admissions. She was very nice and informative. The interview was like a conversation. It ran for a little under an hour.</p>

<p>My son also applied to Puget Sound and Willamette. We live near Lewis and Clark, so that has advantages/disadvantages.</p>

<p>Just so you all know, DD2 is a freshman at L&C and loves it. She is involved in five activities on campus besides her classes and regularly takes the bus to wander around downtown.</p>

<p>Swi, I totally understand the adv/disadv to attending school near by. Neither DD applied to U of Dayton, a good local school which would have offered good merit $.</p>

<p>Besides L&C, I’m applying to Brown, Vanderbilt, Case Western, U Cinci, U Dayton, Miami U, and Rose-Hulman. And I have absolutely no idea what I want to do, haha. The first four are tied for 1st place and I’m really not interested in the last four, I only applied because my mom wanted me to.</p>

<p>I would guess you are from OH or IND. Good luck!</p>

<p>I attended LC last year and I am now taking the year off, exploring life and transferring. If anyone has any questions they want to ask a student who didn’t love LC, feel free to drop me a line.</p>

<p>what didn’t you like about it?</p>

<p>I didn’t find it academically stimulating, the “grunge” scene really isn’t my thing, and I felt like I saw too many students’ priorities change to fit with the social scene instead of sticking to who they were when they got there. Also, I am very interested in theater, french, english, history and education and all of these departments were lacking. I did find a professor that I worship in English with whom I have remained in touch with.</p>