<p>I am a prospective student that was just admitted under the RD round at Duke and am very excited to visit during Blue Devil Days. However, I was just wondering if anyone can tell me what the LGBT life at Duke is like? Thank you for your help.</p>
<p>What other schools are you considering? Perhaps I can wax enthusiastic about one of them with respect to LGBT life.</p>
<p>Well, I was deferred from Brown early decision, and I will hear from that school as well as the rest of the Ivies that I applied to (Penn, Cornell, Dartmouth) on the 31. However, I also have yet to hear from Amherst, Williams, Wesleyan and Vassar.</p>
<p>Brown, Wesleyan and Vassar are the most LGBT friendly schools on your list. Duke and Williams are the least.</p>
<p>I've heard very good things about the LGBT Center at Duke.
Take a look at their web site at Center</a> for LGBT Life at Duke University
and seek them out when you visit campus.</p>
<p>Take a look also at this recent article from Duke Magazine:
"Gay, Fine by Duke?"
that is linked at the right side of the LGBT Center web site
or linked directly at Center</a> for LGBT Life at Duke University :: News :: Duke Magazine Feature: Gay, Fine by Duke?</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>People tend to think that the Duke student body is overall non LGBT-friendly simply because it is in the South, but that is far from the truth.
Durham and Chapel Hill aren't your traditional Southern cities in this respect..</p>
<p>definitely consider vassar</p>