LGBTQ+ Housing

I recently found out that my college (Rhodes) offers LGBTQ+ housing. It guarantees you a suite style dorm with a private bath, which is awesome. However I’m nervous about requesting it because I did not have a good experience with the LGBTQ+ community at my high school for various reasons. For non themed housing there is no place to check that you’re okay with a LGBTQ+ roommate so there is the possibility that I’ll end up with someone homophobic.

Can anyone shed some light on LGBTQ+ housing and their experiences with it? I’m really not sure which option to choose.

Well i think it can be beneficial. I’m part of the LGBTQ+ community and I like to know that I’m with people who understand me and support me. With that specific forming, it could very well be that you find people with similar backgrounds and interests. It could be a great opportunity for real bonds. Most people I’ve talked to in a special housing for the rainbow community are very happy with it.

Thank you for telling me about your experience @elena3142 Did you ever feel isolated from the rest of your peers by being in rainbow housing?

Does anyone else have any thoughts?