LGTBQ acceptance

Recently came across Juniata in my college searches. But I haven’t found much feedback on how accepting students are about the LGTBQ students? Would I be accepted but there are not many others like me? I know the college is small which I like the idea of smaller classes as I think this would helpful w my ADD but at the same time I don’t want to be alone and are looking for others like me or at least accepting of me.


If you look on their site look for Prism… It speaks to the LGBTQ community and there are others. On Undigo it also speaks to “many” students are openly gay. Nothing wrong and calling the college and just asking. Usually diversity departments handle this. Connect with students online also. Email the heads or students that are part of LGBTQ organization on campus.

With smaller schools I always suggest students look for a club on campus and contact them. They have always willingly given their thoughts, pros and cons.

Small schools can change based upon the student population, so those there can tell you what it’s actually like now, not what students from before or colleges wish were true or similar.

If you do this and get a response, feel free to post the summary here. It could help more students understand the vibe.

May be too late for you but Campus Pride Index has it as 3 stars. That’s actually pretty great and should make you feel very comfortable about LGBTQ life at the college.

Just saw this thread. I have a DC at Juniata and my impression is that they are very welcome and inclusive of all kinds!