liberal arts?

This is more of a question for current students, I guess.
I just want to "liberal arts" is Cornell's CAS curriculum? I mean, do you usually stick to your concentration, or can you really have a diverse curriculum, like an econ major taking history and physics classes? (if it is possible, is it advisable to branch out so widely?)</p>

<p>Thanks everyone.</p>

<p>this will tell you everything you need to know...</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>In a word, yes. I'm in CAS and this is my schedule:</p>

Elementary Arabic
Elementary Latin
Black Identity in Cinema</p>

<p>Next semester:
Elementary Arabic II
Elementary Latin II
Linear Algebra
The American Presidency
Awesome Topics in Mathematics
(Possibly) Creative Writing</p>