<p>jellybeans? Being a conservative republican from the deep south, I get hammered everytime I make a pro-rebublican/pro-life/pro-God comment on CC. Does living in a God-loving home on a farm automatically make me a socially inept hick? What makes you assume that I believe that science is nothing but an idea from Satan? What makes you assume that I don't believe the Big Bang Theory? Is it Sarah Palin or Fox News? Because then I would really understand...</p>
<p>Just a curious and bored freshman ready to head off to community college in the fall!</p>
<p>First, I’m not liberal but i’m not a republican so I’ll answer…</p>
<p>The bible-belting conservative has become a stereotype in our society, often shown in books/movies, and people like Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter reinforce stereotypes in the media. Many Republicans are socially conservative and believe in enforcing their own values on everyone: “Gay people shouldn’t get married since MY religion says so!” or “No one should have sex til marriage!” Some are outspoken against science: “Evolution is one of 'em liberal myths, like global warming!” So basically the extremists reinforce a negative stereotype. </p>
<p>people also stereotype Liberals - there’s the “poor minority liberal” and “Elitist or crazy liberal” stereotype. Conservatives often assume Liberals are immoral and reckless with spending on stuff like welfare/healthcare. They try to paint Liberals as un-American European-wannabees who don’t care about national defense and stuff. </p>
<p>So yeah, ignorance and stereotypes exist on both sides. Just present yourself as tolerant and intelligent and your one less person to stereotype. And here in NY i’ve met plenty of ignorant liberals.</p>
<p>I don’t assume anybody is stupid until I get to know them and I don’t generalize about the intelligence of Republicans, Democrats, conservatives or liberals.</p>
<p>That being said, it is not at all crazy to assume that there is a high correlation of people who are religious and have a lack of belief in evolution and the big bang theory.<br>
Again, that is not to suggest that every person who is “pro-republican/pro-life/pro-God” doesn’t believe in evolution, but mostly everyone I know who does not recognize evolution as a science uses religion to justify their beliefs.</p>
<p>And that’s funny because in this case religion and science are completely incompatible since religion does not use the scientific method in determining its beliefs and science does not set up its laws without rigorous use of the scientific method.</p>
<p>I don’t particularly care until you try to ‘save me’ or are complete jerk about things like gay marriage. Then we will have a problem with each other.</p>
<p>Btw, I grew up with a religious family AND the military AND I live in the south near the gulf so I have nothing against conservatives/republicans because I understand. Kind of.</p>
<p>almost all of my town is republican. McCain won here like 8 to 2. The people in my town are FAR from stupid. they’re all lawyers, doctors, and private fund managers, brokers, etc. the median income is like $160k or so. ranked top 25 wealthiest locality in the nation. people here are stupid? think again.</p>
<p>case in point- find me one person who makes over $250k/year who ISNT a republican. It’s rare I know.</p>
<p>Btw. I’m a republican myself. and so are my parents.</p>
<p>@comiclover: I’m just curious and I know all people are different, but what do you mean by being a “complete jerk” about gay marriage? I believe marriage is for a man and woman only. Yes I am religous, but also it seems the marriage of homosexuals is totally against the laws of Nature. I just do not see it right that two men or two woman should be together.</p>
<p>I’ve noticed that the average person, no matter how smart or rich, usually knows very little about politics, and yet still usually has a strong opinion. Sorry if that sentence was a bit convoluted…</p>
<p>btw, BMWman, the first thing I’m going to buy when I’m a rich attorney is an M5 :)</p>
<p>I’m not comiclover, but yeah, it is a little offensive to me. The anti-gay marriage arguments are just the old anti-miscegenation arguments warmed over. They assume that there is something wrong with being gay. There is nothing wrong with being gay.</p>
<p>I meant like being rude in how you say it to someone. Saying things that are completely derogatory and unnecessary. Like if you were talking about race, something that would seem very racist, except towards gays instead. </p>
<p>My parents are really against it and I always cringe when they say things about it.</p>
<p>I believe that marriage is something that does not effect the entire population in a negative way, therefore you shouldn’t be mean about it if you don’t agree. It’s not like national healthcare or the economy or war or something.</p>
<p>I’m not all for the god thing but I don’t go around yelling at people who are religious. That’s just wrong.</p>
<p>Do you ever use you’re eyes to convey emotional feeling (like rollign your eyes)? Do you ever pick up anything with your toes? Do you masturbate (sorry to be crude, can’t think right now)? All are examples of using body parts in a way nature did not intend them.</p>
<p>Who says doing things against the laws of nature is wrong? Then again, I might have misinterpreted what you define the “laws of nature” as.</p>
<p>BMWDude335: Ok, that’s one part of the country - Just outside of San Francisco are some of the wealthiest and most liberal communities in the country…</p>
<p>@Ron2012Paul: I used “laws of nature” only as a phrase to replace a whole bunch of feelings that I could not convey on a message board lol. I mean, maybe the whole gay debate does revolve soley around religon. I’ve been raised by a mother and a father in a Christian atmosphere and it just seems weird/awkward/nasty to watch a homosexual couple kiss on TV. As time progresses, I’m sure more of us will come accustomed to watching homosexual couples walk down the street together, but I doubt my position on gay marriage will ever change. Or maybe it all boils down to Nature vs. Nurture. Who knows, I need to just go to sleep lol.</p>
<p>CaliforniaDancer yea i know. In fact I’ve done alot of research (plannin wayy out into the future) on places near San Fran/San Jose. Towns such as Atherton (right outside of San Jose and the #1 wealthiest municipality in the country) indeed do have their liberal residents. </p>
<p>However if you look at the vast majority of people making over $250k, they are republican. Whether they actually AGREE with republicans (or are simply going against the democrats and their “lets take money from the rich and hand it out to the poor” attitude) is up for debate.</p>