Liberty U to focus on building quality

<p>Not just expanding enrollment.</p>

<p>Liberty</a> Journal</p>

<p>I think, as they were expanding the campus and the enrollment numbers, they lost sight of quality education. Its nice to see them refocusing on quality education. They have many highly education and well-rounded professors...many who have been there for quite a number of years....that need a gentle reminder of this.</p>

<p>If you go to Liberty, or send your child to Liberty, you are robbing yourself/child of a true education. I would NEVER hire somebody that went to a school that teaches students that dinosaurs were here 4000 years ago.</p>

<p>so sorry to rain on your parade, Jason, but many of us are quite proud to call ourselves Liberty alum. Many of us chose Liberty, or other Christian schools, because of what they teach. I would also be proud to have my daughter choose Liberty as her college.</p>

<p>So you agree with them teaching the dinosaur idea? Lol.</p>

<p>On another front–top notch.</p>

<p>[Liberty</a> Journal](<a href=“]Liberty”></p>

<p>LU approves new Democrat Club. Things are changing fast in Lynchburg.</p>

<p>Do they still have to proselytize at the mall?</p>


<p>do you see posters around here laughing at you because you don’t hold their views?
do you see posters around here saying they would never hire you because you don’t hold their view?
do you?
do you see posters around here belittling your views?
do you?
open minded and tolerant?
is that you?</p>

<p>No. Then again, I’m not the one who goes to a school that teaches and believes that dinosaurs were here 4,000 years ago. It’s warranted.</p>

<p>I’m open minded to an extent, but when you teach these students education filled with flaw, it’s definitely automatically publically open to criticism.</p>

<p>That’s exactly the point. Mine you say is an “educated guess”, which it is not, as it is completely verifiable through many different dating methods. The method that Liberty teaches is nothing more than a guess out of a controversial book. </p>

<p>If you truly believe this, God bless your soul(thought you would like that one), and I am truly glad that you attend such a worthless university as Liberty. At least it’s far, far from myself.</p>

<p>This is also the last post I will post here, as I have nothing to gain, certainly not knowledge from this thread.</p>

<p>Colleges are supposed to teach critical, analytical thought, and believing in the literal truth of a Semitic creation myth is not that. It’s not like creationism is valid - having read AnswersinGenesis and assorted literature extensively, I can assure you that creationists clearly have almost no meaningful understanding of the biology, genetics and ecology of evolutionary paradigms. We shouldn’t allow ignorance to push its way into any educational setting.</p>

<p>Jason, I’m not saying that Liberty is a high quality university, that creationism is right, or that I would ever go there (I wouldn’t). But I wouldn’t be so quick to dismiss it as “worthless.” I participated in a mock trial program at the law school there this summer, and we took a lot of classes and studied under the law professors there. The proffs at the law school that we learned from were very bright, helpful, and they knew what they were talking about. Many of them were and are also very successful lawyers, one of which has won hundreds of millions of dollars over his career. Having spent a week at Liberty taking classes and interacting with the proffs, I would say that it is pretty comparable to a mediocre state school. And I don’t think that all of the students and teachers run around campus preaching creationism all day. In fact, you’d probably only be taught that in a few science classes. So I agree with you in that some of they’re beliefs may be a little out there, I wouldn’t call Liberty a “worthless” school.</p>

<p>My understanding is they teach both sides of bio–evolution and creationism.</p>

<p>Yep, the Biology course I took at Liberty went to great lengths to thoroughly dicuss both evolution and creation. And, despite the fact that the professor was a Christian, evolution wasn’t discussed in a negative way. The major facts were presented, discussed, evidence presented and, as the professor stated, each student was to make up their own mind whether they believed that evolution or creation was more plausible.</p>

<p>Isn’t it purely ironic that a christian university’s name is ‘Liberty’ when christianity offers zero liberty to its followers?</p>

<p>lol @ the teaching creationism in bio. What a crock of ****! “Oh, I don’t believe this theory is 100% true–let’s inject a little faith here and sprinkle a little imagination there…”</p>

<p><holding tongue=“”>xSteven, sounds almost like the faith required to believe that man descended from apes, chimps or gorillas.</holding></p>

<p>“I would NEVER hire somebody that went to a school that teaches students that dinosaurs were here 4000 years ago.”</p>

<p>If you were a hiring archaeologist, then I see your point. But if your field (or company) had nothing to do with dinosaurs, that seems a strange credential on which to refuse a candidate.</p>

<p>Stephen: in what way does Christianity deny liberty to its members? At its core is the message that, having been forgiven through Christ’s sacrifice, we are no longer held to the Mosaic law. In that sense, we experience all the liberties one could ask for.</p>

Stephen: in what way does Christianity deny liberty to its members? At its core is the message that, having been forgiven through Christ’s sacrifice, we are no longer held to the Mosaic law. In that sense, we experience all the liberties one could ask for."</p>

<p>im sure he means the rules and restrictions that the school has</p>

<p>Then the simple liberty we enjoy as American’s. Rules and restrictions are a part of every day life, apart from one’s religious beliefs. However, unlike the rules and restrictions forced on all American’s, one is free to choose whether a college institutions rules and restrictions go too far by deciding to atend or not attend that college.</p>