Lied on CSS profile! help!?

<p>I NEVER knew my dad owned a business until today!
And I filled out my FAFSA and CSS and I didnt put any information on the business he owns :/
And I in trouble ?</p>

<p>It sounds like you did these finaid application forms without using past year’s (2008) tax returns…and without talking to your parents.</p>

<p>You can amend the FAFSA online and should do so.</p>

<p>The Profile cannot be amended online so you need to call the school and ask how they would like this handled. Most schools will tell you to use a printed copy of the Profile (I hope you printed one out), and write in any corrections.</p>

<p>Don’t panic…you made a mistake. Just correct it.</p>

<p>^^Agree, correct the FAFSA on line and you’ll need to correct the Profile on paper. Make sure your parent(s) sit with you and go through both line by line. Make sure they understand that you may need to verify the information for the college by sending copies of tax forms, etc. into the school so it is important that the information is accurate. Agree don’t panic, just take the time with your parents to make corrections and ensure the info is correct this time.</p>