<p>Ok, so, i haven't been rejected to law schools, just YET... but, judging by my stats, i know i will be. (3.07 gpa 149 LSAT). i go to notre dame, which is a pretty prestigious school (and hard as hell) but it's yes, still ridiculously low :( what to doooo??</p>
<p>I know i will probably have to re-apply next fall, but in the meantime, what advice do you have for me? should i get an unpaid legal internship or what? also, will it look bad that im REAPPLYING to the same school, after i've been rejected???</p>
<p>You should retake the LSAT. It doesn’t really matter what you do in the meantime, as long as you do something. (Well to be perfectly honest, I took a year off and did nothing and my cycle went fine.) It’s fine reapplying as long as you take the LSAT again and bump it up many, many, points. You should probably also write a new personal statement if you reapply, since most law schools keep your old file.</p>
<p>yeah, thats what I was thinking. im definitely gonna re-take it, but god, this will be my 3rd time. I’m horrible at standardized testing (i got a 143 the first time, then 149).</p>
<p>just out of curiosity, why did u take a year off?? where do you go now? and do you have any advice on how/where to prep. i have the powerscore books which seem to be pretty good… but should i invest in one of those expensive classes??</p>
<p>I took a year off because I didn’t take the LSAT until after I graduated. I took the test in October after I graduated and applied in November. I go to Michigan and I don’t think taking a year off hurt me at all as I got into multiple t-14s (although law schools are LSAT whores and I think the 170 on the LSAT made the fact that I did nothing for a year a moot point).</p>
<p>I recommend you just use a ton of full-length LSAT prep tests. I read the entire logic games bible and did about 15 full-length tests, properly timed, with all 4 sections that are available right after each other to recreate testing conditions. I looked over my exams after taking them to figure out what went wrong. I’ve heard that the logic reasoning bible is also really good, but I found that my LR improved tremendously just by doing real problems from the tests. After using the tests, I found that I increased the most on logic reasoning, my RC stayed the same, and the games also improved a ton but not as much as the LR.</p>
<p>Thanks for the advice. I’ve read on a couple of sites, though, that taking the LSAT more than twice is bad news. people are saying that schools tend to look down on this, and regard the third score as “getting lucky” or that they’ll average it. Is this true? And what would you recommend… I really want to go to law school, and a good one at that, because i’m not paying 35k a year for one that won’t get me anyway.</p>
<p>sorry if i seem snotty, but its true… the name gets u places…</p>
<p>Try working as a paralegal in a big firm. At the interview, tell them that you are planning to go to law school. Some big firms only hire for paralegal positions college grads who plan to go to law school. Maybe, working there you will discover that law is right (or not right) for you. Better than working at MickeyD’s. If you work there for more than a year, you can get a good recommendation out of it which will help your law school application. Plus, if you end up in law school, you will be older and more motivated. Law schools and any grad school recognize that.</p>
<p>If you studied pretty hard already and if the 149 is roughly “on par” with your expected performance on other standardized tests, then I don’t know that there’s a lot of reason to suspect your score would go up on a retake.</p>
<p>Are there any other interests you might have? Are there any other factors in your favor on your LS application?</p>
<p>This may be a blessing in disguise. The job market is brutal and will take a while to recover. Is there anything else you could see yourself doing? If so, try it. You could find yourself on a completely different path that will be very rewarding.</p>
<p>I definitely put in a lot of hours for the LSAT but the sad part is that i didn’t study correctly. I didnt take enough practice exams, so i didn’t pace myself for the actual test.</p>
<p>i’m convinced that i can at least break a 160 if i retake it again, but my question is whether law schools will average all the scores or not.</p>
<p>Keep in mind that there are all kinds of things you can do if you don’t go to law school. You can become a teacher, or go into business. You can write a book. You can steal your daddy’s queue, and make a living out of playing pool. Or find yourself a rock ‘n’ roll band that needs a helping hand.</p>
<p>true, i can take constructive criticism. But i wont take that as an answer. i know i can get into law school if i study hard enough for the lsat, and if i study the right way… i kind of knew going into my tests that i wasn’t quite prepared, but i took it anyway cuz i felt rushed. Was a bad decision, but i can learn from it.</p>
<p>it’s all about good work ethic, though, and maybe the third time’s a charm.</p>
<p>sorry hithle that i’m not writing in complete, PROPER grammar, with the correct punctuation and capitalization. this is a forum, for christ’s sake. i’m not a robot. Don’t be so quick to pass judgment. plus, this is a thread about law school, not about how i got into notre dame</p>