Life after rejection... what to do?

<p>It’s a fair correction. I was not using a representative sample, so my use of the phrase “national average” was incorrect. </p>

<p>I tried to revise my statement based on a quick eyeball of [this</a> chart](<a href=“]this”> ND seems to be about 0.8 SD’s harder than the national average. But that’s a very rough estimate.</p>

<p>Still, compared to your colleagues at Michigan, Berkeley, San Diego, Carnegie Mellon, Dartmouth, UC Irvine, Rutgers, and others, Notre Dame really isn’t that brutal.</p>

<p>NDdomer, another option to consider is attending a law school which has an admission by performance program. No, Harvard, does not have one of these programs but there are a number of regional law schools that do. If you do well, you can gain admission with below average grades and LSATs. If you don’t do well, it wasn’t meant to be and I would just move on in life.</p>



<p>The question is, are these schools even worth the tuition? Honestly, probably not, especially now. </p>

<p>I honestly think OP should retake the LSAT and if he doesn’t do well on the retake, scrap the idea of going to law school altogether.</p>



<p>[LSAT</a> Score Conversion and Chart, LSAT Percentiles and Score Conversion – LSAT Prep Online by](<a href=“]LSAT”>LSAT Score Conversion - AlphaScore)</p>

<p>It’s around 151/152, but the scores are skewed to the right so that a 165 is at the 92nd percentile, while a 170 is at the 98th percentile.</p>

<p>I’m definitely with you on this one, Lawstudent. Thanks for the advice</p>