Life at Bard

I’ve been looking into going to school at Bard, but I don’t feel like I have a good idea of the culture there. I live across the country, so I don’t think it’s worth visiting until it’s one of my top options. Does anyone have any thoughts on the pros and cons of going to Bard? I would love to get an idea of if it’s a good fit for me.

You can always ask to speak to a student ambassador. You can also and should for demonstrated interest - attend an online session.

You can also apply - and if the finances work out, visit after getting in.

Hope someone responds but in case they don’t, there’s a little info.

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We ended up visiting Bard 3 times and really liked it.

Here are a couple of things to know that they emphasized:

When you pick your major, you go before a panel to explain why and “make your case”… This makes it very intentional and gives both the student and the department an opportunity to make sure interests are aligned. I think they refer to it as moderation.

Iirc, every study does a thesis. What I liked about that is that for many, they’ll have a topic they know well for job/grad school interviews.

All the dorms have kitchens and they describe themselves as “the dinner party school.” No frats, etc.

The student body is quirky and self- expressing. They have very good art and music departments, so there is a very creative element apparent.

It’s relatively easy to get to NYC but it’s probably not something you’d be doing weekly (unless you’re a musician with a gig, as one poster here was.) This also allows the schoo to have some very interesting people teaching classes or speaking, especially writers.

The campus is sprawling and covers lots of beautiful, riverside land. The nearby towns are cute. If you are looking for a typical New England campus with a quad and a unified look, this isn’t it. (Bates is. I know it’s on your list.) I’m sure their website has plenty of pics, a map, etc. This area is popular with New Yorkers as a weekend destination.

There are some special classes freshman had to take, which I no longer recall. Definitely read through the course catalog and requirements for all students as well as the majors you are considering. None of this seemed onerous, btw. Just part of their thoughts around what an education should include.

Bard emphasizes its life of the mind ethos. They are bold, and not a knock off of other schools.

There used to be a couple of alternative ways to apply and most gave you a decision early. I don’t think you were bound, but if you like that route, it’s a way of getting a decision early (and if it’s a school you like, an acceptance will save you applying to a lot of other safeties.

Read through the other, older threads here about Bard. Lots of thoughts and feedback.


Bard is on my kid’s list. We visited just about a year ago, and will likely revisit this Fall. These observations are just as a visitor, so they don’t necessarily capture the culture of campus but: Campus is located in a pretty rural area, with a couple small towns nearby–so you have to be cool with limited amenities off campus. There is a shuttle that runs to some of the bigger shopping areas. My kid really likes the structure of a Bard education (from the Language and Thinking seminar for first-years through to the “moderation” process to move from the Lower College to the Upper College). The student body we saw during our visit had a pronounced dark academia aesthetic, and the majority of folks on the tour echoed that vibe.


In my opinion, there is NO way to know if this school is a top option without visiting when classes are in session. It has a culture that is unique to the college, and it’s perfect for some (we have a relative currently attending) and not for others (we know someone who thought it would be perfect but transferred out). We live not all that far away and have been there several times for arts performances.

If there is any way to visit this school…try. If not, make sure you look at every possible online view of this college.

What is your intended major?

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Thanks, will do

I’m not sure what I will major in yet. Yes, I definitely want to visit, but I wanted to get a better idea of it online before I do.

From this and other things I’ve seen about the school its moved to the top of my list. Thank you so much for recomending it!


Thanks for sharing your observations, they’re really helpful


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