Life at Columbia

<p>Hey, i was wondering if anyone could tell me about life as a student in columbia. Is the work load unbearable? Are the classes enormous? What are the professors like? I'd appreciate it if you guys tell me about things like this.</p>

<p>I'll let the students speak about life at Columbia in general. But, for questions about the professors and workload, I'd suggest you look at CULPA (just Google it), the website of student reviews. You can also investigate class size there, by linking to the class directory from the main page and looking at the actual enrollment of classes in which you're interested.</p>

<p>really? well. thats interesting. thanx a lot</p>

<p>Well, the workload was definitely a change from high school for me at least; it was a lot of work. I got it all done and had time for fun, but obviously some weeks are tougher than others. Some weeks I had two or three hours of homework a night and got to hang out a lot, go out, etc, but others were all work. It depends on what classes you're in and if you choose to do the work for those classes. I chose to do all the readings for (most of) my classes, especially Lit Hum, and that took a lot of time, but a lot of people choose to not do all of the reading or work. It's a lot, but it's manageable. </p>

<p>About class size, this mostly depends on what classes you take. I'm an English major, so I didn't have the 150+ gen. chem classes; I had the 15-people French classes, the 40-ish English classes, and the like. From what I've been told, the intro Chem, Physics, Bio, Calc classes and such are large, 150 to 200. Core classes are small, foreign language classes are under 20, some history classes are about 100, most are around 30 or so. As the other poster said, you can check this out by going to the website, searching for Registrar, and going to Directory of Classes.</p>

<p>As for professors, I have yet to have a professor or teacher that I didn't like; I did have one awful TA, but all the professors I've had (grad students and doctoral candidates included) and all the other TA's were awesome. Again, look at for comments on individual teachers. They're all different; some are very traditional lecturers, teacher/student dynamics, others are very casual and friendly. Some ask questions and discuss, others lecture.</p>

<p>wow, sounds like you and i have very similar studying/work habits. Kinda sucks that the science and math classes are packed, but i don't think that would really affect me, i almost never ask questions in class anyway. Thanks for the posts, keep it up guys!!</p>