<p>I wanted to know your perspective on the social and educational aspects of Princeton compared to other prestigious schools such as Georgetown, Harvard, Penn etc. I have heard good things about all of these schools and I want to be able to compare them in every aspect.</p>
<p>Do a search on CC of the schools you are interested in, there is more than enough information available.</p>
<p>Well, to give an answer, I’d say that Princeton has pretty good social aspects, as I heard a lot from my interviewer. I also read through virtually every aspect (or as much as I could in a week, which believe me, was a lot) of the website, and I liked what I saw. It’s kinda hard to describe all of the aspects, if you know what I mean, but what I liked most was the eating clubs. They’re kind of like Harvard and Yale’s own exclusive clubs, except there are some selective eating clubs and other nonselective ones. They are a great place to socialize, or so I’ve heard, and you get to know every single, if not most, of the kids in your eating clubs. Unfortunately, they are not open to underclassmen. But Princeton is widely known for its great attention to the undergraduates in both social and academic respects, and I’m sure that this is true for other schools, but not to as much of a great extent.</p>
<p>If you visit the Princeton website, you can find long statements about the lives of certain featured students, and they talk about how they have a circle of friends from their residential colleges, a circle from sports, a circle from various classes, and a circle from other organizations, but these circles overlap and there just basically exists a nice community of friends who are comfortable with each other. It sounds really nice and talking about this has reminded me of why I wanted to go to Princeton in the first place and why it’s in my top 3 choices!! Gyah!!</p>
<p>Sorry if this didn’t help much :)</p>