<p>i am not that great in physics, i realized, after taking 6a. so i was suggested to take physics elsewhere like in community colleges to prevent my GPA from decreasing more. has anyone taken life sci physics elsewhere? recommended?</p>
<p>I would also like to know this because I just transferred and forgot to take some pre-req classes and the school is now saying that there are more lower-division pre-reqs i must take, and I dont want to spend all kinds of money at UCLA, but rather take these lower division courses at a local community college. Some of my friends do this, but they attend California State Universities.</p>
<p>youre premed right dwm? not a good idea to take prereqs @ cc’s…</p>
<p>I actually have the same idea. I would like to take the Physics series at my local cc so that I’d be able to lighten up my load a bit, while staying close to home during the summer.</p>
<p>I asked a counselor about this, and she said that it’s ok to take physics at your local cc, but you just have to make sure what classes you have to take and what credits will transfer over. Apparently, physics at cc is more theory-based than what UCLA teaches, but I’m fine with that–since physics is not my main concern and I’m only applying to grad school, and not med. However, you might reconsider if you are applying to med school. For me, the physics series equivalence is 6 courses, which I’ll just split into two summers.</p>
<p>yeah i’m planning to med school or pharm school, preferably med school (has anyone applied to both??)</p>
<p>i was thinking about taking 6c elsewhere (taking 6b w/ arisaka next quarter so i think it’ll be a little easier than miao for 6a??)…</p>