Lifting + intramural

<p>I heard that most of the gyms are reserved for athletes and the stuff open to other students aren't very nice. How true is this? </p>

<p>How are intramurals at tech? like flag football etc.</p>

<p>There are athlete only gyms but McComas is open for students and pretty nice, although sometimes crowded. War Memorial gym isn't as nice but I think it has more weights (but no indoor track.)</p>

<p>There are a lot of intramurals; I played flag football this year and it's pretty well organized and run. They also have basketball, inner tube water polo and a lot of other things I don't remember.</p>

<p>How about intramural tennis? How is it organized?</p>

<p>No idea, tennis isn't my game. We have a bunch of tennis courts. You can look at <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>for a schedule and see what sports are offered. Some cost money because they have to rent out fields/pay the refs. Intramurals</a> | Recreational Sports | Virginia Tech is the main site and has more info. In general intramurals are well organized here.</p>