Likelihood of being accepted?

<p>Looking to apply ED for Fall 2015.
About myself:
-pt job, 3 season athlete: cheering, track, lacrosse (might cut down to 1 sport this year)
-have over a 4.0 weighted, about a 3.9 unweighted
-senior year courses: Ap chem, ap Spanish, ap gov, journalism, English, calculus
-I am a member of many clubs at school, 4 out of the 5 are community service clubs! I have about 100 hours
- I am a legacy (dad and grandfather)
- I plan to major in chemistry (fingers crossed)
- my biggest downfall is my standardized test scores
I have taken the SAT twice, with my highest m+cr is 1110 (m 530, cr 580)
I plan to take it again and hopefully get up to an 1180-1200
I have taken the ACT one time, with a composite score of 25. I also plan to take that again.. I am aiming for a 26-28
-what are my chances early decision? I am a very active student and continue to get good grades! Also, does applying to my major help or hurt me?</p>

<p>Va Tech does super score your SAT results. So take your highest m and your highest verbal. If that gave you the 1110 then yes you do have a weakness in your application. When you took the SAT did you request the scoring results to see what errors you made? I don’t know if a third SAT will bump up the results if you keep running into the same issue. Perhaps you might fare better taking the ACT rather than the SAT. Sometimes students find improvement the second time they take a test (in math or reading or both). Make sure to do some self study preparation to improve your chances with the ACT.</p>

<p>Your grades are sufficient and of course they like for students to be active participants in their communities. But all of those extras aren’t going to get you in on their own. You can look up on-line the average accepted SAT or ACT scores. </p>

<p>You can certainly apply early decision. You won’t be 100% so there’s no need to stress over the exact probability. If you are not accepted initially then they move your application to the regular decision. The only way to improve your application is to get a better standardized test scores. Good luck. BTW - Chemistry isn’t going to be exceptionally more difficult than average. In any case, if they like you but have concerns over your particular major they often will offer acceptance to University Studies. So don’t worry about that either. </p>